Bird by Bird Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bird by Bird Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What movie line does Anne suggest as a good one to tape to the wall of your office?
(a) "From sun up to sun down I am the best writer in town."
(b) "Climb every mountain."
(c) "Hey - lighten up, Francis."
(d) "Jeremiah was a bullfrog."

2. At what age did Anne start writing?
(a) Five.
(b) Eleven.
(c) Thirty.
(d) Eight.

3. What was the image from a medieval monk, Brother Lawerence, that helped Anne come to terms with the residents in the nursing home?
(a) Do not worry about tomorrow, today has enough worry for all.
(b) Treat others as you would want to be treated.
(c) That we, like trees in the winter, have nothing to give, but are there to be loved unconditionally.
(d) We are all dust in the wind.

4. How does Anne define clutter?
(a) Easier to deal with if you put in specific piles.
(b) Something to be swept under the rug.
(c) Makes her hold her breath.
(d) Wonderfully fertile ground.

5. When talking with a subject expert about kitchens, what are good questions to ask about the kitchen?
(a) How best to keep stainless steel appliances clean.
(b) What were the sights and sounds like?
(c) What were the sights, sounds, and smells like?
(d) What were the smells and stains like?

Short Answer Questions

1. What advice did E. L. Doctorow have about writing?

2. Where does the image of putting an octopus to bed come from?

3. What does Alice Adams' ABDCE formula stand for, in writing a short story?

4. What advice does Anne's hypnotist give her about the negative voices?

5. What two qualities are needed to communicate effectively according to Anne?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does a bad first draft provide a writer, according to Anne?

2. With every work there will always be more that you could have done. What does Anne warn us against with this thought?

3. In college, Anne found a community in which she might fit in. Why did she felt a sense of community in college?

4. In Part 2, The Writing Frame of Mind, Section 1, Looking Around, what is writing about, and how do we see the writer?

5. How did Anne accomplish a very believable gardener in her novel, when she cannot even keep a houseplant alive?

6. How did Anne's article on the Special Olympics start off? How did it turn out?

7. How does Anne compare writing a first draft to watching a Polaroid develop?

8. How do you know when you are done, according to Anne?

9. How does Anne suggest writing about school lunches be beneficial for a writer?

10. How does Anne state dialogue affects a reader?

(see the answer keys)

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