Bag of Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bag of Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Mike's profession?
(a) Professor.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Writer.
(d) Architect.

2. What had Johanna always done for Mike's novels?
(a) Proofread them.
(b) Sent them to the publisher.
(c) Typed in the last line.
(d) Gave them a title.

3. What is Harold's profession?
(a) News reporter.
(b) Sculptor.
(c) Literary agent.
(d) Stockbroker.

4. How is Mike completing his new novel?
(a) He is using material he has created in other years.
(b) He has decided not to finish it.
(c) He writing 20 hours a day.
(d) He is plagiarizing.

5. What thought does Mike have when he wakes up from his nightmares?
(a) Mansions.
(b) Mandates.
(c) Manderley.
(d) Mandolins.

6. Which of the following is NOT one of Mike's selves in his hallucination?
(a) Having sex with Jo.
(b) Having sex with Mattie.
(c) Buying a bottle of wine.
(d) Picking up the Selectric in Jo's studio.

7. Why does Mattie call Mike in the morning?
(a) To ask if he wants to go to the beach.
(b) To ask for a ride to work.
(c) To invite him to dinner again.
(d) To tell him about her conversation with John Storrow.

8. Where does Mike decide to have lunch in town?
(a) Baypoint Cafe.
(b) The MooseHead Cafe.
(c) The Village Cafe.
(d) High Noon Cafe.

9. Mattie tells Mike that she had seen Jo at the ball diamond wearing a blouse with a pattern of _________________.
(a) Blue roses.
(b) Green sea shells.
(c) Black diamonds.
(d) Red polka dots.

10. What favor does Mattie ask of Mike?
(a) To lend her twenty dollars.
(b) To give her a ride to town.
(c) To autograph her copies of his books.
(d) Not to tell about finding her child in the road.

11. When is Mike supposed to release his new novel to get ahead of the bestseller competition?
(a) Summer of 2000.
(b) Summer of 2002.
(c) Summer of 1998.
(d) Fall of 1999.

12. Who is Johanna's favorite brother?
(a) Phil.
(b) Dave.
(c) George.
(d) Frank.

13. What is the nickname of the moose head over the fireplace at Sara Laughs?
(a) Bruiser.
(b) Bonner.
(c) Bunter.
(d) Buddy.

14. Mike sees an old woman at the dock who is so thin he calls her a _____________________ in his mind.
(a) Bag of bones.
(b) Pogo stick.
(c) Stick figure.
(d) Bean pole.

15. What exhibits in Mike's dreams and then actually comes true?
(a) His car breaks down.
(b) He has a car accident.
(c) He falls and breaks his leg.
(d) A cut on his hand.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sara Laughs is located on which lake in Maine?

2. What ritual does Mike do after the completion of his novel?

3. Who does Kyra call her "white nana"?

4. How much is Mike worth at this point in his life?

5. What story does Mike read to Kyra?

(see the answer keys)

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