Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the coincidence of Dagny stopping the conductor from throwing a vagrant off the train she is taking to see Quentin Daniels?
(a) He could finish the work Quentin Daniels had started.
(b) He knew how to operate a train.
(c) He turned out to be John Galt.
(d) The man, Jeff Allen, once worked at Twentieth Century Motors.

2. How does Hank protect Danneskjtzld when the police arrive?
(a) He tells the police that Danneskjtzld is his new bodyguard.
(b) He pretends to shoot Danneskjtzld who plays dead.
(c) He tells the police that Danneskjtzld is James Taggart in disguise.
(d) He pulls a gun on the police and chases them off.

3. What is the last thing passengers see on Kip Chalmers' train as they enter the tunnel?
(a) The wreck of another train
(b) The blue Rearden Metal rails
(c) Dagny standing by the tracks
(d) Wyatt's Torch

4. How does Dagny let it be known that she is back after her plane crashed?
(a) She goes on the radio to announce that she is all right.
(b) She notifies the press in Nebraska.
(c) She fakes a plane crash in Nebraska.
(d) She takes out an ad in the New York papers.

5. Why does Lillian come to see James Taggart?
(a) Lillian wants to find out more dirt on Dagny.
(b) She thinks he is a handsome, desirable man.
(c) She thinks he is powerful enough to stop Hank from divorcing her.
(d) Lillian wants to get rid of Cherryl because she is so common.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the owner of the valley?

2. What does Dagny's insistence on working as housemaid for John Galt say about her.

3. What does the Head of State Thompson want from Galt?

4. The Unification Board is now in complete control and more regulations are passed. What is the result?

5. What causes Dagny to return to Taggart Transcontinental?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Francisco comes to visit Dagny in the cabin near Woodstock, what idea does she have about the disappearance of so many business people?

2. After they capture John Galt, explain why his life is not in immediate danger.

3. Describe Dagny's reaction when Danagger says to her, "Well, done, Dagny."

4. Discuss the events as Stadler finds them at Project X.

5. Summarize the message John Galt gives to the people when he takes control of the radio frequency.

6. Discuss the fact that Dagny refuses to take money from John Galt unless she works for it.

7. What kind of assurance does Francisco try to give Dagny when he visits her in her apartment?

8. What happens when Washington politician Kip Chalmers insists that the stalled Comet go on through a dangerous tunnel because he has a speaking appointment in San Francisco.

9. As the world economy crumbles, describe the condition of Hank's family.

10. Eddie Willers is left alone with the last train broken down in the desert. How does Rand portray the result of the communist rule?

(see the answer keys)

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