Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens after the disappearance of Wyatt and his vast Colorado oil fields?
(a) Project X provides a new and better fuel.
(b) The government reopens the Wyatt oil fields and everything gets back to normal.
(c) Mine owners begin blowing up their mines.
(d) Small companies cannot supply enough oil to fill the demand.

2. What is the purpose of the party Lillian plans to give in three months?
(a) Their wedding anniversary.
(b) A fund raiser for underprivileged children.
(c) A celebration of Rearden metal.
(d) Their social obligation to Dagny Taggart.

3. What does Phillip want to leave Henry's house?
(a) A new car.
(b) Controlling interest in Rearden Metal stock.
(c) Paid up tuition to Harvard.
(d) Money to start a business.

4. A theme that runs throughout ATLAS SHRUGGED is one which shows strength and character outside but emptiness and moral corruption inside. What metaphor does Ayn Rand use to illustrate this idea?
(a) The engine of a Taggart train.
(b) The old oak tree that was struck by lightning.
(c) The flaws in Rearden steel.
(d) The deteriorization of New York City.

5. Who is planning to build diesel engines for Taggart Transcontinental?
(a) Dwight Sanders
(b) Eddie Willers
(c) Francisco d'Anconia
(d) Henry Rearden

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rand mean by the title, "White Blackmail"?

2. How does Rand indicate that Wesley Mouch, Rearden's Washington lobbyist, may not be working in Rearden's interest?

3. When Dr. Stadler questions why the man who was developing the revolutionary motor was working in a factory research lab, what is Dagny's reply?

4. At the Thanksgiving dinner, why does Lillian urge Hank not to fight the lawsuit?

5. What does Dagny notice before leaving Dannager's office?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe how the chain is viewed by Henry Rearden, Lillian Rearden, and Dagny Taggart. Explain its significance to the story.

2. How does the Twentieth Century Motor Company demonstrate the results of the communistic idea of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"?

3. In the chapter Rand calls "Account Overdrawn," how does the author picture the results of the socialist government's regulations?

4. Explain how the mystery of Eddie Willers' unnamed friend in the cafeteria and the shadowy man Dagny sees outside her office add to the suspense of the novel.

5. Lillian demands the Rearden Metal bracelet back and threatens to tell everyone that Dagny is sleeping with her husband. What is the irony of that situation?

6. Rand introduces "Wyatt's Torch" as Dagny returns on the train to Wyatt Junction. What does the term suggest?

7. Explain the significance of the mysterious Halley's Fifth Concerto in developing the novel.

8. Explain the symbolism of the Twentieth Century Motor Company as Dagny and Hank find it.

9. The title of the chapter, "The Exploiters and the Exploited" might suggest that the industrialists like Hank Rearden exploit the public by creating products for their own personal gratification. Rand, however, turns that around to suggest that the socialist government are exploiting the industrialists. Support that idea.

10. What is the significance of "the best hamburger" Dagny has ever tasted when she goes to the diner in Wyoming?

(see the answer keys)

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