Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What prevents Taggart Transcontinental from meeting Rearden's deadline for delivering steel?
(a) Danagger refuses to supply coal if it will help Rearden.
(b) Danagger Coal cannot supply coal for the trains because its shipment goes to England.
(c) The coal miners all go on strike for higher wages.
(d) The bridge on the Galt Line is blown up.

2. Who is planning to build diesel engines for Taggart Transcontinental?
(a) Eddie Willers
(b) Francisco d'Anconia
(c) Henry Rearden
(d) Dwight Sanders

3. Based on what she knows at the moment, what conclusion does Dagny draw about the disappearance of men like Wyatt?
(a) She believes there is a destroyer.
(b) She believes they are secretly working on her railroad line.
(c) She thinks they are being kidnapped by the government.
(d) She thinks they are all joining the communist movement.

4. When Hank Rearden learns that the legislature has passed the Equalization of Opportunity Bill, what does he learn from Mouch, his lobbyist in Washington?
(a) Mouch tells him that the bill has no penalty written into it.
(b) Mouch offers to return the money Rearden has paid him.
(c) Mouch says the President will veto the bill.
(d) Nothing. Mouch is not answering his phone.

5. How does Bertram Scudder, editor of "The Future" magazine, characterize Hank Rearden?
(a) As a great philanthropist.
(b) As an alligator.
(c) As an octopus.
(d) As a shark.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Phillip want cash instead of a check for Rearden's contribution to Friends of Global Progress?

2. At the party, James Taggart demands that Francisco explain why the San Sebastian mines are worthless. What is Francisco's ironic reply?

3. What is the meaning of "Wyatt's torch"?

4. What does Francisco d'Anconia say the socialists will use to replace "the aristocracy of money"?

5. What does Rearden sell off after the bill banning people from owning multiple businesses is passed?

Short Essay Questions

1. At his trial, Hank Rearden refuses to give the government the "sanction of the victim." Explain what he means.

2. Explain the significance of the mysterious Halley's Fifth Concerto in developing the novel.

3. The title of the chapter, "The Exploiters and the Exploited" might suggest that the industrialists like Hank Rearden exploit the public by creating products for their own personal gratification. Rand, however, turns that around to suggest that the socialist government are exploiting the industrialists. Support that idea.

4. At first, Hank Rearden dislikes Francisco d'Anconia. Explain his reasons.

5. Explain the symbolism of Lillian's taking Dagny's diamond bracelet in exchange for the Rearden Metal chain.

6. Francisco d'Anconia, heir of the d'Anconia Copper Mining empire, has developed a reputation as a playboy and a dilettante. Itemize the events in his early years with Dagny and James Taggart that are contradictory to that image.

7. Discuss the significance of the names Rand gives to the businesses in ATLAS SHRUGGED.

8. Discuss the different views from "the top" and "the bottom."

9. The "Immovable Movers" in Rand's novel are the industrialists like Dagny and Rearden who produce because it is in their blood to do so. They produce for the joy of accomplishment and thus provide for the society as a whole. Rand compares them to the mythical Greek god Atlas who purportedly holds up the world on his shoulders. Explain her conclusions.

10. Write a few paragraphs on why Hank Rearden does not mind supporting his idle family but refuses to give Phillip a job he is not qualified to handle.

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