Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the Thanksgiving dinner, why does Lillian urge Hank not to fight the lawsuit?
(a) She says they will assassinate him.
(b) She says he will damage her socially.
(c) She says he will win if he does not present a case.
(d) She says he cannot win.

2. At the party, James Taggart demands that Francisco explain why the San Sebastian mines are worthless. What is Francisco's ironic reply?
(a) He says the mines are not worthless bacuse they contain silver.
(b) He says he gave them the mines to do with as they pleased.
(c) He says he wanted to contribute to the Mexican economy.
(d) He says he gave them the wrong location because he knew what they would do.

3. How does the organization, Friends of Global Progress, view Rearden Steel?
(a) That Rearden Steel will one day belong to them.
(b) That it is an indignificant business that will likely fail.
(c) That Rearden Steel will be its largest contributor.
(d) That Rearden represents the blackest element of social retrogression in the country.

4. Why will Amalgamated Switch and Signal Company not complete Dagny's order for switches and signals on the Colorado line?
(a) They made a deal with Jim Taggart not to supply the equipment.
(b) Too many people are opposed to Rearden metal.
(c) They cannot get the steel they need.
(d) They believe she cannot pay for the items.

5. Dr. Potter of the State Science Institute threatens Rearden who pretends not to understand his threats. Why?
(a) If he did, he would have to kill Potter.
(b) If he did, he would take his product off the market.
(c) If he did, he would cancel his business plans.
(d) If he did, he would have to give Rearden Metal to the government.

6. What did the National Alliance of Railroads pass to eliminate competition?
(a) Anti-cooperation Rule
(b) Anti-dog-eat-dog Rule
(c) Local and Transcontinental Rule
(d) Every man for himself Rule

7. Why are the guests at the party so eager to discuss the capture of Ragnar Danneskjtzld?
(a) Because he is a supporter of the Equalization of Opportunity Bill
(b) Because he is the only one who can save socialism.
(c) Because he has a strange name that they don't trust.
(d) Because he is a pirate who seizes relief supplies intended for communist societies.

8. How did the Sternes say they tried to run Twentieth Century Motors?
(a) From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
(b) Imposing great penalties on those who made mistakes.
(c) By paying the best salaries in the industry.
(d) Never criticizing anyone for a mistake or cost overrun.

9. What does Rearden say the government needed to win against him.
(a) His denial of any wrong doing.
(b) His civil rights.
(c) His account books.
(d) His cooperation.

10. What is Dagny's reaction to Eugene Lawson's claim that his motives were pure at Twentieth Century Motors because he never made a profit?
(a) She agrees that the motives were pure.
(b) She accuses him of lying.
(c) She praises him for his generosity.
(d) She says the idea is despicable.

11. What is the lie that James Taggart tells the Board of Taggert Railroad?
(a) That Francisco d'Anconia had sold his copper mines to Mexico.
(b) That the whole thing was Dagny's fault since she wanted the Mexican line.
(c) That he would pay for all the company losses out of his own pocket.
(d) That he foresaw this action, cut the schedule and removed the good equipment from that line.

12. What does Dagny notice before leaving Dannager's office?
(a) A cigarette butt with the $ sign on it.
(b) A note signed by John Galt.
(c) A pistol on Dannager's desk.
(d) A plane ticket to Europe.

13. Why do Hank and Dagny try to find the old Twentieth Century Motor company?
(a) They are looking for new headquarters for Rearden Metal.
(b) They are looking for scrap iron.
(c) They are looking for a new car.
(d) The are looking for usable parts for diesel engines.

14. What is the symbolism of Francisco lying on the floor with his arms spread out to his sides?
(a) Making his pain go away.
(b) His confused state of mind.
(c) Sacrifice for what he believes in.
(d) His dream of flying.

15. Why does Phillip want cash instead of a check for Rearden's contribution to Friends of Global Progress?
(a) He wants to pocket half of the cash.
(b) Friends for Global Progress does not accept checks.
(c) He thinks Rearden's check is no good.
(d) He doesn't want them to know that the money came from his capitalist brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. At home and in despair, what music is Dagny listening to when she puts down her head and cries?

2. How does Bertram Scudder, editor of "The Future" magazine, characterize Hank Rearden?

3. When Dagny demands that Francisco tell her why Ellis Wyatt will be wiped out in Colorado, why does he refuse to tell her?

4. How does Rand let the reader know that there is a connection between Francisco and Danneskjtzld?

5. What game does Francisco play with the Mexican government and the American stockholders in the San Sebastian Mines?

(see the answer keys)

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