American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Politicians have long been subjected to what type of rumors?
(a) Rumors of sexual scandal.
(b) Rumors of abuse scandal.
(c) Rumors of political scandal.
(d) Rumors of financial scandal.

2. As what is Sally Hemings known?
(a) The "African Venus."
(b) The "African China Doll."
(c) The "Venus de Milo."
(d) The "Queen of the Africans."

3. What coincides with the start of Jefferson's supposed affair with Sally?
(a) His move to Paris.
(b) The birth of his last daughter.
(c) His gain of the presidency.
(d) His withdrawal from a leadership position in the antislavery movement.

4. How does Ellis describe Jefferson regarding his sexual energy?
(a) He says he is "almost feminine."
(b) He says he is "very shy."
(c) He says he is "almost uncomfortable."
(d) He says he is "extremely masculine."

5. About what will scholars still be arguing well into the 22nd century?
(a) Jefferson's friendship with Adams.
(b) Jefferson's debt.
(c) Jefferson's children.
(d) Jefferson's legacies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jefferson believe creates wars, rather than prevents them?

2. How does Jefferson believe emancipation would work?

3. What does Jefferson lead?

4. What does Jefferson do with the 1,000 letters he receives each year?

5. What does Ellis say about Sally's last two children, Madison and Eston?

Short Essay Questions

1. Of what aspects of our culture and government would Jefferson approve?

2. How does Ellis feel about the accusations that Jefferson has an illicit affair with his slave, Sally Hemings?

3. Why does Ellis believe this affair is out of Jefferson's character?

4. What does John Adams mean by "Thomas Jefferson lives"?

5. What is remarkable about the deaths of Jefferson and Adams?

6. What is ironic about Jefferson's approval of the separation of church and state?

7. What has happened to Jefferson's and Adam' friendship?

8. What do historians verify in the 1950s?

9. Why does Jefferson make the Louisiana Purchase?

10. How are Jefferson's views of slavery at this point in his life?

(see the answer keys)

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