American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What legacy of Jefferson's lives on?
(a) His legacy of slavery and contradictions.
(b) His legacy of idealism and revolutionary spirit.
(c) His legacy of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
(d) His legacy of familial love and respect.

2. Where does Jefferson retreat to several times per year?
(a) Philadelphia.
(b) Monticello.
(c) Washington, D.C.
(d) Poplar Forest.

3. How does Jefferson believe emancipation would work?
(a) It would work extremely well.
(b) If the newly freed slaves are deported.
(c) It would not work well at all.
(d) It would start slowly in the northern states and then work south and west.

4. After the passing years, what do Jefferson and Adams begin to do?
(a) Agree on polical issues.
(b) Forget about one another.
(c) Argue again.
(d) Communicate civilly again.

5. As president, from what does Jefferson suffer?
(a) Stage fright.
(b) Attacks by the press.
(c) Asthma.
(d) Arthritis.

6. How is Jefferson's arrival in Washington, D.C?
(a) Exciting.
(b) Ostentatious.
(c) Sad.
(d) Austere.

7. What are John Adam's final words?
(a) "The Founding Fathers live."
(b) "The Founding Fathers are no more."
(c) "Thomas Jefferson lives."
(d) "Thomas Jefferson is no more."

8. What speeches does Jefferson make during his time as president?
(a) His one inagural address.
(b) Ten speeches throughout his second term in office.
(c) Many speeches throughout his presidency.
(d) His two inaugural addresses.

9. What happens between France and England in 1803?
(a) They want to purchase land from Jefferson.
(b) They renew hostilities.
(c) They decide to go to war with the U.S.
(d) They renew their friendship.

10. What does Jefferson announce, almost immediately, after the Embargo Act is passed?
(a) He will run for another term in office.
(b) He would not seek another term in office.
(c) He is canceling the Embarg Act.
(d) He is getting remarried.

11. Who does Jefferson tell his daughter Martha is the father of Sally's children?
(a) Alexander Hamilton.
(b) His father-in-law, John Wales.
(c) Aaron Burr.
(d) His nephew, Peter Carr.

12. What is ironic about the enforcement of the separation of church and state?
(a) It has not preserved religious freedom.
(b) It is not a true separation.
(c) It is not effective.
(d) It is enforced by the Supreme Court, the government institution Jefferson hates the most.

13. What does Ellis believe about the relationship of Jefferson and Sally after the story becomes so public?
(a) It becomes stronger after the allegations become public.
(b) If there had been an affair, he would have ended after it became public knowledge.
(c) There is never a relationship, so nothing changes about their relationship as slave owner and slave.
(d) It continues, because he is the father of her last two children.

14. What is Jefferson's last attempt to save Monticello for his daughter and her children?
(a) He does not try to save Monticello.
(b) He sells all of his slaves.
(c) He asks his neighbors to donate money to pay his debts.
(d) He asks the Virginia legislature to allow him to conduct a public lottery.

15. Politicians have long been subjected to what type of rumors?
(a) Rumors of financial scandal.
(b) Rumors of sexual scandal.
(c) Rumors of political scandal.
(d) Rumors of abuse scandal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jefferson believe creates wars, rather than prevents them?

2. What coincides with the start of Jefferson's supposed affair with Sally?

3. What changes would Jefferson wholeheartedly approve?

4. Who is Aaron Burr?

5. What does Jefferson think about the white race?

(see the answer keys)

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