American Sphinx Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Sphinx Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jefferson arrive in Paris?
(a) In a simple two-wheeled carriage.
(b) In an elaborate, handcrafted, phaeton that is fancier than the one that conveyed him to Philadelphia.
(c) Secretly in the night.
(d) In a parade.

2. How famous is Jefferson at the time he becomes an ambassador in France?
(a) His fame has stayed the same.
(b) His fame has increased.
(c) His fame has decreased.
(d) He is unknown in France.

3. To what is Jefferson compared at an elaborate dinner party?
(a) A non-English-speaking guest.
(b) A court jester.
(c) A criminal.
(d) A mime.

4. Who is probably the most beloved and admired of American presidents?
(a) Thomas Jefferson.
(b) George Washington.
(c) George Bush.
(d) Herbert Hoover.

5. What promise does Martha extract from Jefferson?
(a) To end his affair with Sally.
(b) To send his children to expensive boarding schools.
(c) To go back to Philadelphia to be a member of the Continental Congress.
(d) A deathbed promise to not remarry.

6. Who are the other two ambassadors in France?
(a) John Adams and Ben Franklin.
(b) George Washington and John Adams.
(c) James Hemings and John Wales.
(d) Madison and Monroe.

7. What two decisions shape Jefferson's entire life?
(a) His marriage to Martha and his move to Philadelphia.
(b) The writing of his pamphlets and his time as governor of Virginia.
(c) His marriage to Martha and the birth of his three daughters.
(d) To build a house and run for the House of Burgesses.

8. Jefferson's nail-making laborer's are compared to what author's characters?
(a) Charles Manson.
(b) Emily Dickinson.
(c) Charles Dickens.
(d) Jane Seymour.

9. How many slaves does Jefferson own at this point in his life?
(a) Between 10 and 20.
(b) Between 100 and 200.
(c) Between 50 and 100.
(d) Between 5 and 10.

10. Who is raising Maria, known as Polly, Jefferson?
(a) Slaves in Virginia.
(b) John Adams.
(c) John Wales.
(d) Ben Franklin.

11. Like many Virginia aristocrats, what does Jefferson equate to land?
(a) Slaves.
(b) Growth.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Struggle.

12. What does Jefferson idealize?
(a) The King of England.
(b) France.
(c) Humanity.
(d) Nature.

13. How long did Jeffersonians rule the nation?
(a) The first thirty-four years of the 19th century.
(b) The first fourteen years of the 19th century.
(c) The first four years of the 19th century.
(d) The first twenty-four years of the 19th century.

14. Of what is the pamphlet "A Summary of the Rights of British America" a first draft?
(a) Constitution for the Freedom of Colonial America.
(b) Declaration of Treachery by King George III.
(c) Declaration of Independence.
(d) Articles of the Confederation.

15. What does Abigail Adams encourage Jefferson to do, regarding his daughter Maria?
(a) To bring her to France.
(b) To put her in a boarding school in France.
(c) To keep her in Virginia.
(d) To let Abigail take her to England.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Jefferson's most successful financial enterprise?

2. What does Jefferson become, very publicly, while an ambassador in France?

3. On what are several of Jefferson's arguments based?

4. To what does Jefferson have a propensity?

5. With whom does Jefferson exchange a series of passionate love letters?

(see the answer keys)

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