Airframe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Airframe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Casey reveals John Chang was not flying the plane, rather his son was. What is his son's name?
(a) Robert Chang.
(b) Thomas Chang.
(c) Ronald Chang.
(d) Edward Chang.

2. What happens when the pilot deploys the slats mid flight?
(a) The plane begins to porpoise.
(b) Nothing significant happens.
(c) The locking pin comes lose.
(d) The autopilot comes on.

3. What does one of the secretaries at Norton want to do with the video tape?
(a) Show it to Marder.
(b) Leak it to the press.
(c) Destroy it.
(d) Hide it from Casey.

4. During the interview with Jennifer Malone, what is Jack Rogers never allowed to explain?
(a) How he stumbled upon the Norton story.
(b) Why he thinks Norton is in trouble.
(c) Why he is an expert in aircraft.
(d) How hard Casey and her team are working.

5. When Casey views the video in slow motion, what does she finally see clearly?
(a) The pilot's face.
(b) The cockpit.
(c) The panels in the cockpit.
(d) The first row of passengers.

6. Why does the cameraman call for a break?
(a) To go to lunch.
(b) To replace the film.
(c) Because Casey is crying.
(d) Because Jennifer Malone tells him to.

7. What does Jack Rogers reveal about Norton during his interview with Jennifer Malone?
(a) The wing sell off to China.
(b) The deal with China.
(c) The union threats.
(d) The slat deployment problems.

8. What happens to Richman?
(a) He is fired.
(b) He joins Marder's consulting company.
(c) He moves to Korea.
(d) He is arrested on drug charges.

9. Who reveals to Casey that if the China deal falls through, a back-up deal has been made with Korea?
(a) Marder.
(b) Richman.
(c) Norma.
(d) Jennifer Malone.

10. How does Jack Rogers answer questions during his interview with Jennifer Malone?
(a) In monosyllables.
(b) In long drawn out paragraphs.
(c) With confidence.
(d) With lots of mumbling.

11. What will Casey be doing at Norton on Saturday that Jennifer Malone insists on being a part of?
(a) Meeting with the FAA.
(b) Interviewing the pilots.
(c) A test flight.
(d) Revealing the details of her report.

12. Who does Marty Reardon question about his credentials?
(a) Marder.
(b) Barker.
(c) Rogers.
(d) Richman.

13. What does the telex Casey received from Vancouver say further proved Casey's detailed report of what happened on Flight 545?
(a) John Chang died from injuries sustained when he fell during the flight.
(b) Chang's son committed suicide and left a note detailing what happened.
(c) John Chang turned his son into the FAA for causing the accident.
(d) Chang's son had been arrested for flying without a license.

14. What does Casey do when asked about the preliminary report during the interview?
(a) She hands it over to Jennifer Malone.
(b) She denies is exists.
(c) She switches it for her own report.
(d) She hesitates to offer it.

15. What is Casey told during a phone call from Vancouver?
(a) One of the pilots has hired a lawyer.
(b) One of the pilots has died.
(c) One of the pilots wants to talk to her privately.
(d) One of the pilots committed suicide.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Casey tell Malone the events on Flight 545 began with?

2. How does Barker act in front of the cameras?

3. Who is the woman waiting for Casey in her office on Friday?

4. What does Marder tell Casey she needs to do on Friday morning?

5. What is the first thing Casey learns when Wong hooks up the QAR to his computer?

(see the answer keys)

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