Airframe Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Airframe Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Friday.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Casey ask the video store technician to do to the video from the cockpit?
(a) Slow it down.
(b) Speed it up.
(c) Edit it.
(d) Destroy it.

2. What was mistakenly put into the press packets that Reardon surprises Casey with during the interview?
(a) A report about the malfunctioning proximity sensors on the N-22.
(b) A report about the N-22's counterfeit parts.
(c) A report about the autopilot malfunction tendencies of the N-22.
(d) A report about the N-22's flight characteristics.

3. Why does Casey take a copy of the tape to the audio interpretation lab?
(a) She wants to know the source of the sound right before the incident.
(b) She wants another opinion on the noises she hears.
(c) She wants the screaming to be removed so she can hear other noises.
(d) She wants to isolate the conversation in the cockpit.

4. When Casey follows the repair reports for the N-22 involved in Flight 545, what does she find?
(a) The locking pin and other parts had been replaced.
(b) The slats had been damaged.
(c) The locking pin had never been replaced.
(d) The autopilot had been replaced.

5. What does Malone obtain on Friday that surprises everyone?
(a) A copy of Casey's video tape.
(b) The counterfeit locking pin from Flight 545.
(c) A copy of the contract between Norton and China.
(d) An audio tape of Richman and Marder discussing firing Casey.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the only new information Casey learns at the Thursday morning meeting with the investigative crew?

2. What part of the N-22 does Casey want to tear apart but can't because of time restrictions?

3. What does Amos tell Casey about the locking pin?

4. Who does Marty Reardon question about his credentials?

5. What does the FAA official order the flight crew from the troubled flight to do?

(see the answer key)

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