Airframe Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Airframe Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Thursday.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jack Rogers reveal about Norton during his interview with Jennifer Malone?
(a) The wing sell off to China.
(b) The union threats.
(c) The slat deployment problems.
(d) The deal with China.

2. When the plane from Flight 545 is brought back to Norton, what is peculiar about the locking pin a member of the investigative team found?
(a) It is missing.
(b) It is damaged.
(c) It is rusted.
(d) It is not the original.

3. After speaking with passengers, Casey thinks part of the problem may have been uncommanded slat deployment. Why would this be dangerous?
(a) The friction during flight can cause a fire.
(b) It causes a loss in cabin pressure.
(c) It makes the plane unbalanced.
(d) Slats are only supposed to deploy during takeoff and landing.

4. Why is Jennifer Malone looking for a new story?
(a) Her last story proved to be untrue.
(b) One of her current stories has been cancelled.
(c) Her boss wants a story no one else had covered.
(d) She wants a promotion.

5. What does Marder tell Casey she needs to do on Friday morning?
(a) Fire the investigative team.
(b) Meet with the executives from China.
(c) Another interview with Jennifer Malone.
(d) Meet him in the flight simulator.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which one is not a possibility for the cause of the trouble with the flight?

2. What is Jennifer's boss afraid the story about Flight 545 might turn into?

3. What does Casey feel may be the key to figuring out what happened on Flight 545?

4. Who does Marder speak with immediately after his interview with Jennifer Malone?

5. While inspecting the plane, what does Casey see stuck in an overhead compartment?

(see the answer key)

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