Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the government's response to the rise in terrorism during Clinton's administration?
(a) The Pentagon seems worried, but the White House does not see the urgency.
(b) Senior officials feel prepared and are not worried.
(c) Most go to work waiting for something big to happen.
(d) Some are alarmed, but most do not see the urgency.

2. In regards to the chemical/biological weapons front, what does Colin Powell think about them for the First Gulf War?
(a) He thinks they are "goofy."
(b) He believes they should send them overseas but use them only as an emergency.
(c) He thinks it will send an immediate message if they use it on Iraq.
(d) He believes Iraq has them and is willing to use them.

3. How does Wolfowitz add to the threats in Indonesia?
(a) By giving false assurances to embassy staff.
(b) Be having Gelbard removed.
(c) By giving false imformation to the amabassador.
(d) By not reading intelligence reports on time.

4. Why does the CSG not take extra measures to snatch Khalid Sheik Muhammad?
(a) Division within CSG takes over the goal of the snatch.
(b) They believe Muhammad is a bumbling fool and thinks it will be easy.
(c) Qatar's government gives them no choice.
(d) They do not realize he is the mastermind behind WTC until after 9/11.

5. What report does an Arab leader give the consul general?
(a) Hussein is setting up an assasination attempt on Clarke.
(b) Usama bin Laden has a contract out to kill Clarke.
(c) Hussein is looking for chemical engineers for his weapons program.
(d) bin Laden is asking for leads to a chemical weapons program.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many cruise missiles are launched against al Qaeda camps and target buildings?

2. What does Cofer Black inform Clarke in early December 1999?

3. Where does O'Neill get Aum's contact information?

4. What causes Downing, Clarke's CSG replacement, to quit?

5. What weapons do the Aum utilize?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Rice's views of CSG when she works in the NSC for George W. Bush's administration?

2. In terms of taking action against terrorism, where does the White House stand? The Pentagon? How is this seen in their decisions?

3. How does Afghanistan fare after the Soviets leave at the end of the 1980's? When does Usama bin Laden return, and why at this particular time?

4. Compare and contrast "drug czar" with the new "terrorism czar."

5. How is Pakistan involved with al Qaeda? How are Pakistan and U.S. relations? As plans are developed to retaliate against al Qaeda, why is Pakistan mentioned and considered?

6. What are the details in CSG's plan to snatch Usama bin Laden? Why is it vetoed?

7. What is a Pol-Mil Plan? How does it get started?

8. Explain Karl Rove's strategy that Republicans use in election years. How does this strategy turn out?

9. Describe the political cartoon that reflects Clarke's feelings about the Bush administration. What does this motivate Clarke to do?

10. What rejuvenates Intelligence agencies in rethinking al Qaeda? How is this achieved?

(see the answer keys)

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