Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the proper term for "snatches?"
(a) Extraordinary renditions.
(b) Seize and capture.
(c) Reserved acquisition.
(d) Specialized arrest.

2. According to Will Wechsler, where do people think bin Laden gets his finances from?
(a) Small donations from his followers.
(b) His father.
(c) The Sudanese government.
(d) The Saudi Arabian government.

3. Of the listed nations, which does NOT have close relations and influence with the Taliban?
(a) Saudi Arabia.
(b) Pakistan.
(c) Oman.
(d) United Arab Emirates.

4. What does Clarke suggest will help weaken the Taliban?
(a) Strengthen U.S. friendship with Pakistan.
(b) Using the Taliban's own bombing tactics on their known facilities.
(c) Improve U.S. relations with developing countries.
(d) Helping the Northern Alliance.

5. By what year do the U.S. Departments all agree that bin Laden is the mastermind in global terrorism?
(a) 2001.
(b) 1993.
(c) 1995.
(d) 1999.

6. What report does an Arab leader give the consul general?
(a) Hussein is setting up an assasination attempt on Clarke.
(b) bin Laden is asking for leads to a chemical weapons program.
(c) Hussein is looking for chemical engineers for his weapons program.
(d) Usama bin Laden has a contract out to kill Clarke.

7. What does Berger do for Clarke as Clarke did for him?
(a) Allows him to stay in his home.
(b) Handles the media sessions so Clarke can get away.
(c) Offers Clarke his vacation home to relax.
(d) Assures him as a protectee of the Secret Service.

8. How is the CIA sure that Iraq has a chemical weapons program?
(a) Iraq used them on Iran when U.S. was helping Iraq.
(b) From a surprise U.N. inspection.
(c) Hussein threatens Clinton with it.
(d) CIA intelligence shows an "agriculture" building as the research center.

9. Why is the Pol-Mil Plan called "Top Secret Delenda?"
(a) Because Delenda is an evil shepherd in the bible who teaches hate.
(b) Because that is the code name for bin Laden.
(c) Because al Qaeda must be destroyed.
(d) Because that is where bin Laden's cave is located.

10. What surprises Powell when he observes a meeting between CSG, NSC, State, Defense, CIA, FBI, and military?
(a) All agree that al Qaeda is a threat.
(b) How defensive each department is in their role.
(c) How they lack in communication abilities.
(d) How smooth the meeting is run.

11. The Principals agree to examine what policy?
(a) Policy on targeted assassinations.
(b) Policy on sanctions.
(c) Policy on "retaliation."
(d) Policy on snatches.

12. What weapons do the Aum utilize?
(a) Homemade bombs.
(b) Sarin nerve gas.
(c) Smallpox virus.
(d) Tularemia.

13. To get fresh eyes looking for bin Laden, what does the CSG turn to?
(a) American born Afghanistans that are loyal to the U.S.
(b) Allying with Russia.
(c) Left behind dissidents in Sudan.
(d) Predators, (unmanned aircrafts).

14. What does "Critical Infrastructure Protection" refer to?
(a) Protecting all major road networks such as interstates and bridges.
(b) Protecting major landmarks and the roads leading to and from them.
(c) Protecting computer systems and networks.
(d) Protecting D.C. and the roads leading in and out of it.

15. What does Clarke work on with Arms Control Director Ron Lehmen to verify "innocent' chemical plants?
(a) A Nuclear Power Inspection Committee.
(b) An Alternative Energy Pact.
(c) A Weapons of Mass Destruction Protocol.
(d) A Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty.

Short Answer Questions

1. What plan of attack does al Qaeda execute in Indonesia?

2. What motivates bin Laden to leave Sudan?

3. What does bin Laden and Zawahiri do to gain Rahman's release?

4. What does Cofer Black inform Clarke in early December 1999?

5. What troubling news does the CIA bring to the 0730 CSG meeting on August 7, 1998?

(see the answer keys)

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