Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the State Department originally have for anthrax prevention?
(a) They do not even know what anthrax is.
(b) Enough vaccinations for high officials.
(c) Current research but nothing proven.
(d) A horse.

2. What does Clinton reputedly say, as written in "USA Today" in 2001?
(a) "I wish Bush great luck... Maybe he'll have a better chance at getting al Qaeda."
(b) "I fought terrorism to the best of my ability, but it is up to civilians to educate themselves."
(c) "I tried to take bin Laden out... the last four years I was in office."
(d) "We prevented many attacks that are unknown. This fight continues into the next presidency."

3. What assures Clarke of the "conceptual breakthrough" that terrorism is now a concern for many?
(a) The media's greater interest in his work.
(b) 20/20 does a special on chemical and biological weapons.
(c) Shalala saying Health and Human Services is a key part in the fight against terrorism.
(d) Public Health agencies meeting ont he subject.

4. How does bin Laden's network help Bosnia?
(a) He finances their war.
(b) He sends men, arms, and money to fight against the Serbs.
(c) He allies with them against Russia.
(d) He plans terrorist attacks on President Izetbegovic.

5. Why is the Pol-Mil Plan called "Top Secret Delenda?"
(a) Because that is where bin Laden's cave is located.
(b) Because that is the code name for bin Laden.
(c) Because al Qaeda must be destroyed.
(d) Because Delenda is an evil shepherd in the bible who teaches hate.

6. Of the listed nations, which does NOT have close relations and influence with the Taliban?
(a) United Arab Emirates.
(b) Saudi Arabia.
(c) Pakistan.
(d) Oman.

7. Who vetoes the snatch against Usama bin Laden in 96-97?
(a) Janet Reno.
(b) Clarke and Tenet.
(c) Clinton and Gore.
(d) Tony Lake.

8. What does Berger do for Clarke as Clarke did for him?
(a) Offers Clarke his vacation home to relax.
(b) Assures him as a protectee of the Secret Service.
(c) Allows him to stay in his home.
(d) Handles the media sessions so Clarke can get away.

9. What is the government's response to the rise in terrorism during Clinton's administration?
(a) Senior officials feel prepared and are not worried.
(b) Some are alarmed, but most do not see the urgency.
(c) The Pentagon seems worried, but the White House does not see the urgency.
(d) Most go to work waiting for something big to happen.

10. What does Clarke threaten in a media interview?
(a) Taliban should be aware of Northern Alliance's new ally.
(b) Clarke has a contract out for bin Laden's death.
(c) Any country known to fund terrorists will have sanctions placed.
(d) Next al Qaeda attack will hold Taliban responsible.

11. According to Clarke, what is the global response to the U.S.'s invasion of Iraq after 9/11?
(a) General support to finally oust Hussein.
(b) Western support but larger relationship gap from Muslim countries.
(c) Surprise positive response from other Muslim nations.
(d) Heightened hatred for America among Muslim youth.

12. What is expected to happen on August 20, 1998?
(a) Congress will vote on Clinton's impeachment.
(b) U.S. will bomb Iran.
(c) Snipers are to take out bin Laden.
(d) Usama bin Laden is to meet his high officials.

13. What prohibits the FBI from being able to do much research into al Qaeda cells?
(a) Pavitt's belief that al Qaeda is not important.
(b) Laziness.
(c) Lack of internet.
(d) Attorney General Guidelines.

14. What is Iraq's reported plan to deter the U.S. from invading?
(a) They will use chemical weapons on U.S. ships.
(b) They will bring suicide bombers into the U.S.
(c) They will simulate a nuclear weapons attack.
(d) They will take hostages from the U.S. Embassy.

15. What surprises Powell when he observes a meeting between CSG, NSC, State, Defense, CIA, FBI, and military?
(a) How smooth the meeting is run.
(b) All agree that al Qaeda is a threat.
(c) How they lack in communication abilities.
(d) How defensive each department is in their role.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does bin Laden and Zawahiri do to gain Rahman's release?

2. As Clarke handles recent terrorist attacks against the U.S., with many dead and injured, what is headlining the media?

3. How does Watson get FBI supervisors to participate in looking for al Qaeda cells?

4. Near the end of Clinton's administration, what is one of his main focuses?

5. What causes Downing, Clarke's CSG replacement, to quit?

(see the answer keys)

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