Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mike Fenzel have difficulty hearing the crisis conference in the Situation Room?
(a) Fenzel is holed in a cave that has no secure line.
(b) Dick Cheney will not allow him to.
(c) The PEOC has bad static in their teleconference monitors.
(d) Mrs. Cheney prefers to listen to CNN and Dick Cheney keeps hanging up the phone.

2. Which country noticeably does not attend the International Summit on Terrorism?
(a) Iraq.
(b) Iran.
(c) Saudi Arabia.
(d) Lebanon.

3. When TWA 800 explodes, what is the atmosphere in the White House?
(a) Happy they have a reason to engage in a war with Iran.
(b) Fear that Clinton will not respond rationally.
(c) Understanding that domestic terrorism will be on the rise from this point forward.
(d) Tense for a possible war.

4. What does Prince Turki ask of Usama bin Laden when he returns to Saudi Arabia from Afghanistan in 1989?
(a) To rally the residents of Saudi Arabia against the King.
(b) To keep his men intact in case they are needed in the future.
(c) To form a fundamentalist religion-based resistance against Yemen.
(d) To form an elite special forces for the Saudi Arabian army.

5. What risky task does Gallucci have at the Agricultural Ministry?
(a) Negotiate with terrorists to bring an American hostage home.
(b) Lead a surprise raid to obtain proof of a nuclear program.
(c) He must convince Hussein to let the U.N. in for inspections.
(d) Distract the Republican Guards as others raid a nearby building.

6. What had Clarke admitted to on a "60 Minutes" interview with Bonin just days before the 9/11 attacks?
(a) He wants Bush impeached.
(b) He had plans to retire in a month.
(c) He believes a big attack is inevitable.
(d) He is frustrated with the Bush administration's lack of focus on al Qaeda.

7. As Clarke and other national levels get together, what does the mayor of New York City order?
(a) The National Guard's presence.
(b) A state emergency.
(c) Evacuation of Manhattan south of Canal St.
(d) Evacuation of New York City.

8. When is the Atlanta bomber of 1996 arrested?
(a) 13 years later.
(b) The culprit is still on the loose.
(c) Within 2 weeks.
(d) 7 years later.

9. What influences the U.S to stop their attack on Iraq?
(a) The U.S. news begins negative coverage of the war.
(b) Terrorism begins in the homeland.
(c) Hussein surrenders under certain terms.
(d) The Saudi King asks them to stop.

10. Where is President Bush at the time of the attacks?
(a) A pre-school in Florida.
(b) At a Marine facility in Lousiana.
(c) A college basketball game at Yale.
(d) On vacation in Texas.

11. What does Clarke especially fight for to prevent terrorist attacks?
(a) Publicize all possible suspects on a nationwide emergency network.
(b) Greater collaborative effort from all departments.
(c) Make it illegal to fund terrorist groups.
(d) Make execution the only possible terrorist punishment.

12. With the Red Army gone, what mentality do some of the soldiers that fight against them have?
(a) That other countries will think twice before they invade.
(b) They now know a superpower can be destroyed.
(c) They are ready to take down the next superpower.
(d) They now have the military power to run the government.

13. Of those listed, which is NOT an option as a retaliation effort against Iran for the Khobar attack?
(a) Convince allies to an economic boycott.
(b) Ally with Saudi Arabia for a small-scale attack.
(c) Attack Iranian sponsored terrorist camps in Lebanon.
(d) Employ an intelligence operation.

14. What concerns does the FBI have with the new counter-terrorism policy?
(a) Sharing information with civilians.
(b) The department is no longer autonomous but under the CSG.
(c) Secret Service, CIA, and FBI must meet more often.
(d) FBI investigations are now subject to random investigation by the CSG.

15. Why does Secretary of State Christopher push to bomb an Iraqi facility on a Saturday night?
(a) To minimize casualties.
(b) He knows the Iraqis work weekend hours.
(c) It'll be the most surprising time.
(d) It's the least likely time the U.S. media will notice.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Clinton get assurance that the U.S. bomb hit its target in Iraq?

2. What punishment does President George H.W. Bush seek on Libya for the Pan Am attack?

3. What must Cheney and his team convince the Saudi King?

4. What concern does Clarke have outside the U.S.?

5. What news does the FAA give that causes silence in the CSG meeting on 9/11?

(see the answer keys)

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