Against All Enemies Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What news does the FAA give that causes silence in the CSG meeting on 9/11?
(a) They are unable to give orders to ground all flights.
(b) The names of the passengers on board include al Qaeda.
(c) There is another off-course flight heading towards the Sears Tower.
(d) Reports of 11 off-course flights or out of communication flights may be hijacked.

2. Clarke believes the "Caliphate" movement will result in what kind of society?
(a) A government run with corruption and by fundamentalists.
(b) A repressive 14th century literalist theocracy.
(c) A step backward to times before segregation of church and state.
(d) A freer society with greater religious understanding.

3. Among the following, who is NOT present at the Counter-terrorism Security Group meeting immediately after the 9/11 attacks?
(a) Cheney.
(b) Harvey.
(c) Cressey.
(d) Rumsfield.

4. When Clarke returns to the White House after a short break on 9/12, what does he hear Rumsfeld discussing?
(a) Precautions before entering a war.
(b) How to get Pakistan's support.
(c) War with Iraq.
(d) Ways to attack Afghanistan.

5. What had Clarke admitted to on a "60 Minutes" interview with Bonin just days before the 9/11 attacks?
(a) He is frustrated with the Bush administration's lack of focus on al Qaeda.
(b) He had plans to retire in a month.
(c) He believes a big attack is inevitable.
(d) He wants Bush impeached.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the Iranian Revolution important to the U.S.?

2. What key event does Russia provoke in 1979?

3. Initially, plans are to have Combat Air Patrol (CAP) over New York and D.C. Clarke then orders CAPs over every major city in the country. What causes him to extend the plans even further?

4. What concern does Clarke have outside the U.S.?

5. During the Iran-Iraq war, what stance does the U.S. take?

(see the answer key)

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