A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Final Test - Hard

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Final Test - Hard

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "March 25 Birch Seeds," how many birch seeds are shed by the tree?

2. When the deer looks at him, what does the author do?

3. In "April 8," what does the author check out on a dairy farm?

4. In "March 30 Cocoons," the author finds an old cocoon from _________.

5. How does the sample surprise the author?

Short Essay Questions

1. What experiment does the author perform with the squirrels? Why?

2. Describe "April 20." Is the author's life a simple one? Why or why not?

3. What does the author notice about the squirrels in "March 20-21"? What are your thoughts regarding the squirrels' behavior?

4. What takes place in "March 31"? How might the author feel about this?

5. What does he author say about his favorite season? Why might he feel this way?

6. What does the author realize about the ravens in "December 23 Ravens"? How does this affect his behavior?

7. What takes place in "December 29 Winter Ecology?" Why might the author do this?

8. What does the author say in "Moss Watch"? Why might he study moss?

9. How does the author deal with his "cabin fever"?

10. Describe the snow storm. How does it affect the author?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

At several times throughout the book the author describes and discusses the history of the land.

Part 1) Describe this history. Why does the author tell his readers about the history of the people of Maine, as well as the geological history of the area? Is this important information for the story? Why or why not? How is this information connected to other aspects of the story?

Part 2) What else does the author study during his time in the Maine woods? Why does he study this? How is this study, as a whole, an important part of the author's time in the Maine woods?

Part 3) How is studying a part of your everyday life? How does this affect you? How can you benefit from studying? How can people, in general, benefit from studying?

Essay Topic 2

The author goes for many runs.

Part 1) Describe these runs. Why does the author choose to go on these runs? Why are they important to him? What do they reveal about him?

Part 2) How are his runs tied to other events in this book? What else is important to the author while he is living in the cabin? Why?

Part 3) What activities do you participate in? Why? What do they reveal about you? How are they important to you and your life?

Essay Topic 3

The weather is an important part of life in the woods.

Part 1) Describe the weather patterns discussed by the author. Why does he discuss them? How is the weather important to him?

Part 2) Is weather as important to us in the modern world as it is to someone living in the wilderness? Why or why not?

Part 3) How does weather affect our world today? What role do humans play in the changes in weather?

(see the answer keys)

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