A Year in the Maine Woods Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year in the Maine Woods Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through November 15 Moss Watch, November 25 Connections, November 28 More Flies, December 3, December 4, December 8, December 9 The Lunar Eclipse, December 11 Wind, December 12 Rump Steak and Roadkills, December 13, December 15 You Can Never Go Back, December 19.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Do they spot deer?
(a) Yes, but only a few.
(b) No.
(c) Yes, many.
(d) Yes, but only one.

2. Why did the author have an easy time seeing the tracks of various animals?
(a) A thick blanket of snow had fallen the night before.
(b) He had binoculars.
(c) The ground was very muddy.
(d) He was laying on the ground.

3. What is the thing that surprises the author the most?
(a) Most of the leaves have fallen off the ash tree.
(b) Most of the birds have left.
(c) He has adjusted to living in his cabin.
(d) The vibrant colors of the fall leaves.

4. In "Burning Wood," the author writes that he is happy he has cut down so much wood, and it has given him a feeling of accomplishment. Nevertheless, what is he annoyed about?
(a) The wood is filled with insects.
(b) He is very sore from chopping wood.
(c) He is still in need of more wood.
(d) His stove is efficient at cooking food but inefficient at heating his cabin.

5. The author tries to draw conclusions about _____________.
(a) The moon's orbit, rise, and set.
(b) The size of the sun versus other stars.
(c) The sun's power.
(d) The way the stars were created.

Short Answer Questions

1. When little mice first start to join the author in his cabin, he thinks they are ___________.

2. In the section "October 6 Cherry Hill Drive", the author drives to a clearing that has been logged ______________ before.

3. During his daily_______, the author sees a web of many tiny caterpillars all flashing together in unison from side to side.

4. In "December 4," the author decides to make the trip ________.

5. When farming begins to spread farther west, the land reverts from farmland to ________.

(see the answer key)

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