A Time to Kill Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Time to Kill Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jake feel when a patron in the Coffee Shop notes that the black protesters must frighten the jurors?
(a) He is uncertain.
(b) He hopes there will be no further bloodshed.
(c) He hopes they do.
(d) He hopes they don't.

2. Who aids Ellen following her plight?
(a) Ozzie.
(b) "Mickey Mouse."
(c) Jake.
(d) Deputy Nesbitt.

3. When Jake has Ellen focus on Dr. Wilbert Rodeheaver, the state's mental expert, he asks her to center on cases where acquittals resulted because he suspects what?
(a) He has some shady connections.
(b) He is reluctant to declare anyone "insane."
(c) He has always been siding with the state.
(d) He has never declared a black person "insane."

4. While Jake and Ellen are working on various issues of the case, whom do they invite to join them on the balcony of the law office?
(a) Deputy Nesbit.
(b) Harry Rex.
(c) Ozzie Walls.
(d) Lucien.

5. What question does Jake ask of Ozzie during cross-examination that Buckley wildly objects to and Jake withdraws, but Ozzie has already nodded affirmatively to?
(a) Whether either Cobb or Willard signed a confession prior to death?
(b) Did either verbally confess prior to death?
(c) Whether Pete Willard signed a confession prior to his death?
(d) Did Pete Willard agree to sign a confession for leniency prior to death?

6. Who else does Jake visit in the Memphis hospital?
(a) Wallie Macintyre, the National Guardsman.
(b) Woody Mackenvale, the National Guardsman.
(c) Willie MacKenzie, the National Guardsman.
(d) Wayne Miller, the National Guardsman.

7. During the night of the second trial date, Stump Sisson dies, bringing the number of deaths related to Tonya's rape to how many?
(a) 5.
(b) 4.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

8. When two dozen Klansmen arrive on the first morning of the trial in full regalia, what happens?
(a) They are advised by Sheriff Walls that they may stay, but not if hooded.
(b) Deputies usher to their "turf" out front, and tell them they may stay if there is no trouble.
(c) They are instructed they may only stay without KKK regalia.
(d) National Guardsmen usher them away.

9. When Jake seeks a change of venue from Judge Noose and is told nothing would be done except removing 20 intimidated jurors, Jake learns what?
(a) Someone did not get to the judge, but others have been gotten to.
(b) It is going to be a very uphill trial.
(c) Lucien is right, someone got to Judge Noose.
(d) He can use the refusal to change venue for a mistrial if necessary.

10. Why is Lucien furious on the morning of the shooting attempt to kill Jake?
(a) The National Guard colonel waited before senting someone to check.
(b) He has kept Dr. Bass sober all night and his testimony will be postponed.
(c) That someone has attempted to take Jake's life.
(d) The National Guard did not check out the silo amongst other locations.

11. During the trial on the fifth day, Lucien avoids eye contact with Sisco for what reason?
(a) He knows a wink or nod will consummate the deal.
(b) He is confident there is a good chance for victory.
(c) He wants to barter with Sisco on the price.
(d) He knows there is no way to get the figure Sisco has set.

12. What is Lucien's advice to Jake regarding fear?
(a) He should welcome it, as jurors are afraid as well.
(b) Take a healty shot of bourbon to calm his nerves.
(c) Jake has prepared well, and so he need not worry.
(d) Put it out of his mind and concentrate on legal matters.

13. The firebomb that ignites Mississippi KKK Imperial Wizard Stump Sisson is thrown from where?.
(a) The 3nd floor of the courthouse.
(b) From within the surrounding crowd.
(c) A slowly passing vehicle.
(d) The 3rd floor of the courthouse.

14. In questioning jurors individually in chambers as to their position on the death penalty, one black male lies and is allowed to remain, and he later does what?
(a) Advises others he is not allowed to tell about the questioning.
(b) Tells them what to say if they want to get off.
(c) Tells women what to say to get off the jury.
(d) Advises other blacks what they will be asked and how to answer.

15. How does Deputy Looney describe Carl Lee?
(a) "He's a hero. Give him a trophy."
(b) "He's a killer. He's worthy of death."
(c) "For what he did, he deserves life."
(d) "It was an accident. But he deserves some prison time."

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Hinky Myrick raise money during the Carl Lee trial?

2. What does Wanda Womack ask the jury panel to consider to convince them to rule not guilty by reason of insanity?

3. On Monday, during the fifteen minute recess after Rodeheaver's testimony, Jake runs up to the law library where Harry Rex is already, and he assures Jake of what?

4. On Friday, day five of the trial, Ozzie and Deputy Nesbit wake Jake before 5:00 a.m. to inform him "Mickey Mouse" has reported what?

5. Why does Jake recognize Gerald Ault as a supporter of black people?

(see the answer keys)

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