A Time to Kill Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Time to Kill Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Jake and Harry Rex go to the lake in the latter's pickup truck rather than the former's Saab after going to Memphis to visit the hospital?
(a) Jake has let Carla use it to drive to the airport.
(b) Carla used the Saab to drive to Wilmington, and hers is now burned.
(c) They fear the Saab would be a target.
(d) The Saab is having mechanical work done.

2. At 5:00 a.m. Harry Rex arrives with biscuit sandwiches sent by Jake's favorite waitress at the Coffee Shop, and he discusses with Jake:
(a) His motion for change of venue.
(b) Prospects for a temporary insanity plea.
(c) Ellen Roark's credentials.
(d) Potential jurors once again.

3. When the word gets out that the jury is ready, what does Reverend Agee do with the demonstrators?
(a) Attempts to calm the demonstrators with no success.
(b) Stirs the demonstrators, and has them chant "Free Carl Lee."
(c) Calls them to order, and has them sing "We Shall Overcome" calmly.
(d) He calms them to order, and has them pray for an acquittal.

4. When the phone rings while Harry Rex and Jake are discussing legal matters on the morning before the trial, what happens?
(a) Jake ignores it, allowing it to ring before it finally stops.
(b) Jake angrily responds to a hate call and slams the phone down.
(c) Jake answers the call and advises the caller the line is tapped.
(d) Harry Rex humorously deflects a hate call aimed at Jake.

5. Why is Carl Lee aghast when the jury is finally seated?
(a) It is all-white, 11 women and 1 man, only 1 black of 2 alternates.
(b) It is all-white, 9 women and 3 men, only 1 black of 2 alternates.
(c) It is all-white, 10 women and 2 men, only 1 black of 2 alternates.
(d) It is all-white, 12 women and no men, only 1 black of 2 alternates.

6. When the jurors arrive the next morning for further deliberation, how are they taken from the bus to the courthouse?
(a) By Ozzie and National Guardsmen through the crowd.
(b) Through a back entrance using two vans instead of a bus.
(c) By deputies through the crowd.
(d) By National Guardsmen through the crowd.

7. As the riot erupts, what is each Klansman armed with?
(a) A broken bottle.
(b) A nightstick.
(c) A handgun.
(d) A knife.

8. Some of the patrons in the Coffee Shop speculate what about a reporter from the Channel 4 News?
(a) If she will report anything positive about Clanton.
(b) Where she received her training.
(c) The source of her information.
(d) The makeup she is wearing.

9. Who do the Northern Mississippi black residents recognize as the single white radical NAACP attorney in their region?
(a) Norman Reinfeld.
(b) Jake Brigance.
(c) Sheldon Roark.
(d) Lucien Wilbanks.

10. Amongst some of the questions Buckley asks regarding Bass's identity, what is the crime Buckley ask Bass has been convicted of?
(a) Fraud.
(b) Driving Under the Influence.
(c) Statutory Rape.
(d) Theft.

11. During the night of the second trial date, Stump Sisson dies, bringing the number of deaths related to Tonya's rape to how many?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 6.

12. During the trial on the fifth day, Lucien avoids eye contact with Sisco for what reason?
(a) He is confident there is a good chance for victory.
(b) He wants to barter with Sisco on the price.
(c) He knows a wink or nod will consummate the deal.
(d) He knows there is no way to get the figure Sisco has set.

13. How does Carla learn about the all-white jurors in the case?
(a) She learns about them during a phone call with Jake.
(b) She reads about them in the newspaper.
(c) She hears about them during a radio news broadcast.
(d) She learns about them during a TV newsbroadcast.

14. What is the jury's decision?
(a) Guilty of manslaughter, third degree.
(b) Guilty on all counts.
(c) Not guilty on all counts by reason of insanity.
(d) Guilty of homicide, second degree.

15. Following three hours of sleep on the morning of the trial, Jake bolts awake and has Deputy Nesbit do what?
(a) Take him home so he can shower and shave.
(b) Has him drive him to Lucien's home where he left some documents.
(c) Check the building out as he has heard something suspicious.
(d) Take him to Ozzie to review security measures in transporting Carl Lee.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ellen explains that it will be impossible to keep what from the jury?

2. What happens to Ellen on her way to Oxford on the evening of the shooting?

3. Why does Jake recognize Gerald Ault as a supporter of black people?

4. Where do Lucien, Harry Rex, and Jake go after talking with Wanda Womack and Mack Loyd Crowell?

5. When the trial resumes following the brief recess, why does Jake decline to question Rodeheaver?

(see the answer keys)

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