A Time to Kill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Time to Kill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tonya, who suffers from endless nightmares and is certain that her attackers are after her, insist on?
(a) That one of her brothers sleep outside her bedroom, and the other sit under her window.
(b) That her mother sleep with her, and her brothers sleep outside her bedroom door.
(c) That Deputy Willie Hastings, Tonya's uncle, sit under her bedroom window.
(d) That every light in the home stay on all night, and her brothers sleep outside her door.

2. During their picnic, what is Carl Lee's response when Gwen questions him about his commitment to bring in a few hundred dollars to make ends meet?
(a) He firmly repeats that he will see what he can do.
(b) He states he is doing the best he can.
(c) He reminds her he is still the man of the family.
(d) He remains silent.

3. When Jake and Buckley are in the judge's office the day before the arraignment, what does the former request?
(a) 60 days to prepare.
(b) 120 days to prepare.
(c) 180 days to prepare.
(d) 90 days to prepare.

4. On his way back to Mississippi, what is Lester doing?
(a) Reflecting on his failing marriage.
(b) Reflecting on how he can help Carl Lee pay for legal services.
(c) Reflecting on how he will get Carl Lee to rehire Jake.
(d) Reflecting on how he got off.

5. Sheriff Walls is concerned about Carl Lee's safety and comes up with what plan for transporting him to the courthouse on the day of his preliminary hearing?
(a) Finds a prisoner resembling Carl Lee, and has him break and run for reporters to chase.
(b) Finds a prisoner resembling Carl Lee, and has him transported in another cruiser for reporters to follow.
(c) Finds a prisoner resembling Carl Lee, and has him transported with Carl Lee.
(d) Has Carl Lee dressed as deputy with toy gun in holster, and transported in the front seat of cruiser.

6. What does Ozzie do after he is tipped off three minutes after midnight on July 12 that the Brigance home is to be blown up within three hours?
(a) Ignores the tip.
(b) Awakens Jake, and instructs him to take up a position with his rifle.
(c) Awakens Jake, and instructs him to take his family to the airport.
(d) Awakens Jake, and instructs him to send his family into hiding.

7. After being threatened by Marsharfsky, Jake does what?
(a) Lights an expensive Caribbean cigar, and writes a complaint regarding Marsharfsky.
(b) Lights a cheap cigar, and writes a complaint regarding Marsharfsky.
(c) Lights a cheap cigar, and writes a change of venue request.
(d) Lights an expensive Cuban cigar, and writes a change of venue request.

8. On the morning of the day he first meets Ellen, what is it Jake recalls Carla could tell during their phone conversation the night before?
(a) That he was tired and had not gotten enough sleep.
(b) That he had jut awoken from a deep sleep.
(c) That he was still in his office and eating takeout food.
(d) That he was drunk.

9. What have local attorneys dubbed Judge Omar Noose?
(a) Mickey Mouse.
(b) Ichabod.
(c) Abe Lincoln.
(d) Yogi Bear.

10. Why does Lucien advise Jake he needs to seek a change of venue?
(a) Everyone in Ford County has already made their minds up.
(b) The KKK in Ford County is very strong.
(c) To get at least one black jury member.
(d) The chances for a less experienced prosecutor are better.

11. Lester tells Carl Lee what when he visits his cell?
(a) He needs to leave, but will be back for his trial.
(b) He needs to leave and will return when he is able.
(c) He will remain as long as is needed.
(d) He has to leave now.

12. When interviewed by TV journalists the day before Carl Lee's preliminary hearing, what does Jake tell them a Mississippi jury has as options when trying capital murder?
(a) Manslaughter for 25 years, capital murder for life or death, and not guilty.
(b) Manslaughter for 20 years, capital murder for life or death, and guilty.
(c) Manslaughter for 20 years, capital murder for life or death, and not guilty.
(d) Manslaughter with immediate parole, capital murder for life, and not guilty.

13. When does Agee agree to get the "love offering" funds for the Hailey family to Gwen?
(a) When Carl Lee threatens to tell everyone of Agee's dirty dealings.
(b) When Ozzie threatens to arrest him.
(c) When Jake threatens to prosecute.
(d) When Ozzie says he could tell the church of his stolen car, DUI, and funeral home kickbicks.

14. Where is Tonya seated in the interview with Jake and the Hailey family?
(a) Seated in her mama's lap.
(b) Seated in her Uncle Lester's lap.
(c) She is afraid and is not present.
(d) Seated in her daddy's lap.

15. When Jake Brigance confides in Sheriff Walls that Carl Lee Hailey may be planning the murder of Cobb and Willard, what do they speculate about how they might feel?
(a) That they would carefully follow the trial.
(b) That they would move so their daughters could start over.
(c) That they would not allow their daughters to testify.
(d) That they might entertain murder.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Rocky Childers?

2. Why does Jake threaten to fire his secretary Ethel?

3. What do the participants chant at the rally?

4. Following his motion to withdraw on Friday, Jake does what?

5. What is Jake's view of insurance companies and their lawyers?

(see the answer keys)

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