A Time to Kill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Time to Kill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Tonya restrained with while being raped?
(a) Cotton rope.
(b) Electrical cord.
(c) Swing-set chain.
(d) Nylon rope.

2. Where is the Ku Klux Klan meeting when Freddie Cobb, Billy Ray's brother, is stipulating to the Imperial Wizard that that they must get involved?
(a) In a warehouse in an industrial park, late at night.
(b) Deep in the woods of Nettles County, 230 miles south of Clanton.
(c) In a barn on an abandoned farm, 20 miles outside Vicksburg.
(d) Deep in the woods of Durham County, 125 miles northeast of Clanton.

3. What is Clanton doing to prepare for the national spotlight a week before the Carl Lee trial?
(a) Repainting stripes on Main Street, parking spaces, and Courthouse signs.
(b) Stray cats, dogs, other pets are being collected by Animal Control.
(c) New parking meters are being installed.
(d) Public facilities are being cleaned and rejuvenated.

4. What does Sheriff Walls testify during the change of venue hearing?
(a) The majority of Ford County citizens know all the rape and murder facts, and have their minds made up.
(b) Virtually all Ford County citizens don't know all the rape and murder facts, but have their minds made up.
(c) There are not 12 Ford County citizens that don't have all the rape and murder facts, and their minds are made up.
(d) Most Ford County citizens know most of the rape and murder facts, and have not made their minds up.

5. What is Carla's reply when Jake asks her if she would convict Carl Lee Hailey for murdering Billy Ray Cobb if she were a jury member?
(a) She would have to convict.
(b) She could not convict.
(c) She would have to convict of a lesser charge.
(d) It would be hard to convict.

6. Why does Carl Lee fire Jake?
(a) Cat Bruster convinces him to do so.
(b) Jake could not get him out on bond.
(c) Carla has received more threats and asks him to.
(d) He has an argument with Jake.

7. When Bo Marsharfsky calls requesting Jake to be his local associate, what is his response?
(a) Agrees.
(b) Considers it briefly, then declines.
(c) Says nothing, and slams the phone down.
(d) Refuses, accuses him of solicitation, and threatens to report or have him reviewed by grand jury.

8. When Jake informs Ellen of the threats received by phone, the bombing attempt, and other dangers the job may entail, what is her response?
(a) She changes her mind and leaves town.
(b) She is not afraid and will take her chances.
(c) That she carries licensed, snub-nose protection in her purse.
(d) She will rely on the Sheriff's Department to protect as needed.

9. When a Memphis TV crew requests to be allowed to film the trial, what does Judge Willard Bullard do?
(a) Grants them permission so long as they do not interfere with proceedings.
(b) Advises they may film, but it will all be reviewed by the county prosecutor.
(c) Advises they may only film inside the courtroom, they may not broadcast.
(d) Instructs the county courtroom deputy, Mr. Pate, to throw them out.

10. When interviewed by TV journalists the day before Carl Lee's preliminary hearing, what does Jake tell them a Mississippi jury has as options when trying capital murder?
(a) Manslaughter for 20 years, capital murder for life or death, and guilty.
(b) Manslaughter for 25 years, capital murder for life or death, and not guilty.
(c) Manslaughter with immediate parole, capital murder for life, and not guilty.
(d) Manslaughter for 20 years, capital murder for life or death, and not guilty.

11. What is the temperature at Reverend Agee's rally?
(a) 90 degrees.
(b) 100 degrees.
(c) 70 degrees.
(d) 80 degrees.

12. What illegal item does Carl Lee Hailey request to buy from K.T. "Cat" Bruster?
(a) An automatic M-1 carbine.
(b) An automatic AK-47.
(c) An automatic M-16.
(d) A .45 caliber semi-automatic.

13. How many murder trials has Jake Brigance served as the defense counsel prior to the preliminary hearing for Billy Ray Cobb and Pete Willard?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 0.

14. Why does the name of Clyde Sisco cause some stir during the meeting of Jake's jury strategy team?
(a) Lucien says Sisco is white, but has a daughter with a black girlfriend.
(b) Lucien states Sisco is one of few whites at Tank's Tonk.
(c) Lucien says Sisco owes him, as he got him off of prior charges.
(d) Lucien tells how he "bought" Sisco in a previous case.

15. Where is Tonya seated in the interview with Jake and the Hailey family?
(a) Seated in her Uncle Lester's lap.
(b) Seated in her daddy's lap.
(c) Seated in her mama's lap.
(d) She is afraid and is not present.

Short Answer Questions

1. How have Lucien and Harry Rex advised Jake regarding selection of women for the jury?

2. On the day before Carl Lee's preliminary hearing, Jake, knowing the grand jurors are not yet selected and will likely see this news broadcast on TV that evening, reminds interviewers of what?

3. After being threatened by Marsharfsky, Jake does what?

4. Jake's friend Harry Rex Vonner tells him the grand jury voted how on the Hailey indictment?

5. What is Tonya carrying when she is kidnapped?

(see the answer keys)

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