A Test of Wills Test | Final Test - Hard

Caroline and Charles Todd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Test of Wills Test | Final Test - Hard

Caroline and Charles Todd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rutledge learn is the reason for Mavers' strong reaction to a conversation after church services in Chapter 15?

2. Who escorts Lettice Wood to the funeral of Colonel Harris?

3. What does Rutledge dream of doing when this case is over as discussed in Chapter 13?

4. Who objects loudly to Rutledge's decision to postpone arresting Wilton?

5. Who does Mavers wait to speak with after the church services in Chapter 15?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Mrs. Davenant give Rutledge about Wilton in Chapter 11 that could provide a motive for murder?

2. Who tells Lettice Wood that he once was involved in a car accident that resulted in a child's death in a way to comfort her in her grief?

3. Who does Rutledge ask to find the owner of the doll in Chapter 13?

4. What comment does Royston make about the murder in Chapter 13?

5. Why does Bowles claim Scotland Yard cannot support Rutledge if he arrests Captain Wilton without strong evidence in Chapter 18?

6. How does Lizzie Pinter react to her father physically attacking Rutledge in Chapter 18?

7. Who is Lettice Wood surprised to learn was the source of Mavers' pension?

8. Why does Rutledge agree in Chapter 18 to delay his arrest of Captain Wilton until after the funeral?

9. What does Rutledge discover in Chapter 20 when he goes into Helena Sommers' bedroom the morning of the funeral?

10. What does Rutledge reveal in the beginning of Chapter 19 that he believes happened in the meadow the morning of the murder?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss one of the following themes in detail, citing examples from the novel:

1) revenge

2) death and grief

3) romantic disappointments

4) mental instability.

Essay Topic 2

Who is Captain Mark Wilton? Who is his powerful friend? Why is Scotland Yard call in to investigate Wilton's possible role in Colonel Harris' murder? Who is Wilton engaged to marry? how does this present motive for murder? How does Wilton react to the investigation into his motives for murder? With whom does he have a fight the day before the murder? What does Wilton say about this fight? Why is he reluctant to discuss this fight with Rutledge?

Essay Topic 3

Who is Ian Rutledge? Whose voice does he hear in his head? Why is he often surprised others cannot hear this voice? Why does Rutledge hear voices? Where has Rutledge been? What experience has caused Rutledge to hear this voice in his head? What was he before this experience? Who expects Rutledge to fail now that he has returned? Why? What does Rutledge think of his own chances of success in his current situation?

(see the answer keys)

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