A Solitary Blue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Solitary Blue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is sitting out on the lawn when Jeff arrives home, though he almost does not stop to talk to this person?
(a) Miss Opal
(b) Brother Thomas
(c) Melody
(d) Dicey

2. Who is the girl that Jeff meets when he is playing his guitar, though she leaves abruptly the first time?
(a) Abgail Tillerman
(b) Dicey Tillerman
(c) Julie Rosen
(d) Janice Proeson

3. Melody tells Jeff she knows he picked his father because he is the ____________________.
(a) Smart one
(b) Peaceful one
(c) Nice one
(d) Rich and famous one

4. The lawyer tells Jeff that Gambo had decided that the ______________ descendant should inherit her estate.
(a) Kind
(b) Male
(c) Poor
(d) Blood

5. What is the name of Dicey's brother, who Jeff meets when he is spending more time with Dicey?
(a) Tommy
(b) Sammy
(c) Andy
(d) Timmy

6. The lawyer is surprised by the Professor, who ______________ had led to believe was difficult and bitter.
(a) Melody
(b) Jeff
(c) Miss Opal
(d) Gambo

7. Melody says that she merely wants a ______________ from Jeff before she leaves on a trip.
(a) Promise
(b) Hug
(c) Goodbye
(d) Kiss

8. Where does Jeff begin to hang out in order to spend more time with Dicey?
(a) Arcade
(b) Movies
(c) Grocery store
(d) Music store

9. Who does Jeff invite out on his boat once school finally lets out for the year?
(a) Andy Barrows
(b) Brother Thomas
(c) Phil Milson
(d) Peter Smith

10. When Dicey's ______________ dies, Jeff understands and he knows to leave her alone.
(a) Sister
(b) Father
(c) Brother
(d) Mother

11. There is something about the girl Jeff meets that reminds him of his island in _______________.
(a) Maine
(b) South Carolina
(c) Maryland
(d) North Carolina

12. At whose farmhouse does Jeff begin to spend more and more time?
(a) Brother Thomas'
(b) Tillerman's
(c) Andy's
(d) Phil's

13. Jeff finds the girl's ____________ appealing and he likes the way she is helpless to the music.
(a) Voice
(b) Beauty
(c) Determination
(d) Intelligence

14. That summer, Jeff decides to set up a _____________ business with the Tillermans.
(a) Crabbing
(b) Restaurant
(c) Bar
(d) Boating

15. Jeff realizes that ______________ is feeling bleak and hopeless during that summer.
(a) Brother Thomas
(b) The Professor
(c) James
(d) Dicey

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jeff decide to give to Miss Opal from his inheritance?

2. ____________ enjoys watching the herons and playing the guitar, content finally in his solitude.

3. The Professor reveals that Melody's ______________ hurt him repeatedly.

4. What is Jeff surprised to find on his report card, though his father is not?

5. Jeff feels that if he didn't keep all of his emotions hidden away, he would fall apart into ______________.

(see the answer keys)

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