A Sand County Almanac Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Sand County Almanac Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the narrator, what is sportsmanship aimed at getting rid of?
(a) Guns.
(b) Bullets that kill many animals at once.
(c) Gadgets.
(d) Decoys.

2. According to the narrator, the land ethic changes the role of humans from conquerors to what?
(a) Healers.
(b) Members of the biotic community.
(c) Students.
(d) Teachers.

3. What bird is only found only in the sand counties?
(a) The clay colored sparrow.
(b) The golden duck.
(c) The woodpecker.
(d) The jackpine.

4. To the superficial eye, the Gavilan region is hard, stony and full of what?
(a) Rocks.
(b) Sand.
(c) Cliffs and slopes.
(d) Trees.

5. Wildlife managers try to raise game in the wild by what means?
(a) Manipulating the environment.
(b) Limiting the length of the hunting season.
(c) Limiting the types of guns that are used.
(d) Limiting the amount of wildlife that are killed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the numeon of the Sierra Madre?

2. One type of outdoor recreation enthusiast is the kind that wanders in the woods searching for what?

3. According to the narrator, when he kills his first wolf what does he see in its eyes?

4. In the summer, the weather on White Mountain is unpredictable because of what?

5. What plant is the biggest problem in the northwestern foothills?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to the narrator, what is the one thing that cheat grass is good for?

2. How does peoples' ability to enjoy nature begin?

3. The narrator states that State College is more concerned with beauty and ease than with what?

4. Why are public policies involved with outdoor recreation controversial?

5. The narrator says that he thinks getting rid of the wolves means more deer, but this isn't the case in the long run. Why?

6. According to the narrator, what are two problems that humans face with regards to the wilderness?

7. What are the three different values listed by the narrator that people have when it comes to nature?

8. According to the narrator, why do people not go to Escudillo?

9. What is meant by invasive species?

10. Why does the State Conservation Department buy back land along the Flambeau River?

(see the answer keys)

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