A Place Called Freedom Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Place Called Freedom Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Peg hide while the sheriff searches for her?
(a) Lizzie's room
(b) Sowerby's old cabin.
(c) A tavern.
(d) A cave.

2. Who arrives unexpectedly at Mockjack Hall?
(a) Robert.
(b) Sir George.
(c) Lady Elizabeth.
(d) Lady Alicia.

3. What can Mack tell about Lizzie when he sees her riding her horse?
(a) She is pregnant.
(b) She is an expert rider.
(c) She has never been on a horse before.
(d) She has been beaten.

4. Who accompanies Mack to Fredericksburg in Chapter 29?
(a) Jane Mason.
(b) Pepper Jones.
(c) Lilly Aventura.
(d) Sally Maguire.

5. Jay orders special accommodations on the ship for ______________.
(a) Lennox.
(b) Mason.
(c) Mack.
(d) Sloane.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sir George functions as a _______________.

2. Who has arranged Jay's mortgage loan?

3. How did Peg kill the farmer who tried to rape her?

4. Who visits the Jamissons from the Secretary of State's office?

5. What is the name of the ship transporting the prisoners to the colonies?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Mack, Lizzie, and Peg decide to leave their wagon and belongings behind during their escape?

2. Does Jay feel it is worth his time to hunt for Lizzie?

3. What is the fate of the prisoners in the colonies?

4. Why does Sir Philip Armstrong of the Secretary of State's office visit the Jamissons?

5. How do Jay's political views alienate him from his Virginia neighbors?

6. How was Mack set up to be arrested?

7. Who delivers Lizzie's baby, and what are the circumstances surrounding the birth?

8. Why is Lizzie unable to speak for Mack who is in prison?

9. Why does Jay not see himself as the overseer at Mockjack Hall?

10. What advice does Lady Alicia give Jay regarding Sir George's will?

(see the answer keys)

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