A Dangerous Fortune Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Dangerous Fortune Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How has Micky gotten rich by Part 3, Chapter 2?
(a) He has stolen money from the ministry.
(b) He has taken a commission on every bond.
(c) He has worked hard.
(d) He has swindled people out of their money.

2. Why does Micky follow Solly from the club after he argues with Edward?
(a) He wants to frighten him into giving him the loan.
(b) He wants to rat out Edward.
(c) He plans on killing him.
(d) He wants to explain that poor people will suffer if he pulls the loan.

3. What do Rachel and Micky argue about after the small dinner party Rachel had given for the Foreign Ministry?
(a) Micky's being rough with Rachel.
(b) Micky's friendship with Edward.
(c) Having children that Micky did not want.
(d) Micky going out at nights to the brothel.

4. In the last decade, by Part 3, Chapter 2, how many bonds has Pilaster Bank given Cordova?
(a) One a year.
(b) Five total.
(c) Two a year.
(d) One total.

5. What were the Mirandas planning on doing with the money they wanted to obtain from Pilaster's Bank?
(a) Build another railroad.
(b) Lay seige to the capital of Cordova.
(c) Open more mines.
(d) Build a harbor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the catalyst that brings down the bank?

2. In Part 2, Chapter 4, under what name does Micky intend to travel?

3. What conclusion does Micky come to in Part 2, Chapter 5 about women?

4. What does Augusta ask Lady Morte to do to help Joseph get the peerage?

5. Where do Hugh and Nora move to in Part 2, Chapter 4?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Part 2, Chapter 3, what is Micky's plan to stop Tonio, and how is the plan carried out?

2. What schemes does Augusta come up with once she learns that Ben will be given the peerage and not Joseph?

3. What happens with the bonds that the bank was going to sell in order to loan Micky the money? Who is behind the deceit, and what happens to him?

4. How does Micky finally get Edward to talk to him in Part 3, Chapter 2, after Edward discovers the truth about the drowning?

5. In Part 2, Chapter 4, what does Maisie do with Nora that is risky but very satisfying in its result?

6. What does Emily do to attempt to have Edward's child, and how does it all backfire?

7. What does Maisie discover about the incident at the ball, and how does she make the discovery?

8. What does Hugh piece together in Part 3, and what does he do with the information? How is it received?

9. How does Emily get her annulment?

10. What occurs between Maisie and Ben Greenbourne after Solly's death?

(see the answer keys)

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