A Children’s Bible Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Children’s Bible Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III (Chapters 5 - 6).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Jack's owl begin flying again?
(a) After it loses its feathers.
(b) After the band is taken off its leg.
(c) After the owl finds another owl.
(d) After he and Shel take off its bandage.

2. Which teenage boy do some of Evie's friends seem to like in Chapter 2?
(a) James.
(b) Bennie.
(c) John.
(d) Reynolds.

3. Which animal startles Eve when it lands on her in Chapter 4?
(a) An owl.
(b) A hawk.
(c) A mouse.
(d) A robin.

4. Why do Burl and Val go to the top of the hill in Chapter 5?
(a) To see the view.
(b) To talk to Burl's friends up there.
(c) To get a cell signal.
(d) To look for food.

5. How do Alycia's parents convince her to finally head for home with them?
(a) By giving her alcohol she asked for.
(b) By paying her.
(c) By giving her drugs she asked for.
(d) By telling her she could move out next year.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the parents do when they realize the teenagers are leaving the great house all together?

2. What does Eve decide to do while the parents are distracted in Chapter 3?

3. What was the only meal the teenagers were forced to attend with the parents?

4. Why does Burl take some of the teenagers back to the great house?

5. What news does David get from the parents in Chapter 5?

(see the answer key)

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