This section contains 727 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Starways Congress
This is the ruling body of all the human settled galaxy, known as the Hundred Worlds. With increasing colonization Starways Congress has increased in power, power it has misused. The Congress creates the godspoken on Path as a caste do Congress' thinking and shackles them with genetic alterations causing obsessive compulsive disorder. Another of Starways Congress' shameful acts is its resolution to send a fleet to destroy the planet Lusitania, an act that would extinguish both piggies and buggers as a species.
Ansibles are the devices that allow instantaneous communication anywhere in the galaxy. The technology uses philotes, one dimensional particle strands that connect everything in the universe. The technology was learned from the buggers during their first invasion of Earth but human scientists still do not know why it works. The technology permitted Ender to direct Earth's fleet from many light years away and...
This section contains 727 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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