This section contains 603 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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McCarthyism and American Life
The mid-1950s marked the height of Americas' "Red Scare" a widespread fear of Communism that reached its peak in the investigations of the House Un-American Activities hearings, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy (a Republican from Wisconsin) In 1950, McCarthy advised President Harry Truman that the State Department was staffed with many Communists and Communist sympathizers. In addition, he suspected that a great number of Communists were working in fields that might influence public opinion, including the film and television industries. In the following years, McCarthy performed what was often called a "witch hunt" to prove the degree to which he felt Communists had infiltrated levels of American society. His hearings grew into popular, televised events where he and others would "Red-Bait" the accused; many entertainers and writers found themselves "blacklisted" (refused employment) either for their often inconsequential Communist affiliations or for refusing to cooperate...
This section contains 603 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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