This section contains 624 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University was the first legitimate medical school in America. It was created when Johns Hopkins left money to create a medical school and hospital. Johns Hopkins was the first university to require students to have a college degree, have a background in science, and be fluent in either French or German.
Welch’s microscope is a symbol of the substandard medical schooling America had at one time compared to Europe. Welch won this microscope in a pathology class, but he did not know anyone who could teach him to use it.
Camp Funston
Camp Funston is the military training camp to which the flu virus was spread from Haskell County, Kansas. This camp had an outbreak of the mild version of the flu. Barry indicates that the virus moved overseas with the soldiers where it mutated again into the deadly form.
Camp Devens
This section contains 624 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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