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Part 4 The Titanic, Chapters 37-42, pgs. 207-234 Summary
In Moscow, Captain Prelov is at a meeting with some high level people. Also in attendance are Georgi Antonov, Soviet General Secretary, Admiral Boris Sloyuk, Vladimr Polevoi, the Chief of the Foreign Secrets Department of the KGB, and Vasily Tilevitch, Marshal of the Soviet Union and chief director of Soviet Security.
They know the there is a massive effort by the United States to raise the Titanic. Antonov asks if they have any observers in the area and is told that they have the Mikhail Kurkov. He asks if they know the reason why and is told yes. Sloyuk passes out a red folder with the details of the Sicilian Project. He tells them that it is a new defense system. They are told that their scientists say that the system...
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This section contains 1,332 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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