This section contains 236 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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The Persian Letters gives the Muslim viewpoint of the Christian lifestyle. Pretend you are visiting a Persian seraglio such as the one described in this novel. Write a letter about the things that go on in this seraglio from your own viewpoint. Include your opinion of the treatment of the women and the creation of the eunuchs.
Compare/contrast the Muslim and Christian religions as presented in this novel.
Discuss the role of the eunuch in the seraglio. Why are these men more respected than other slaves?
Using the dates and locations included in each letter, sketch out a timeline of Usbek's journey from Persia.
Discuss the irony of Roxane's virtuous appearance. How does this idea that things aren't as they appear fit into the novel?
Describe the lifestyle of the women in the seraglio. Compare this lifestyle with that of the women who...
This section contains 236 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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