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Brown. John Russell, ed., Marlowe' Tamburlaine The Great; Edward The Second and The Jew Of Malta: A Casebook, Macmillan, 1982.
This text offers a collection of Critical essays on Marlowe's plays.
Cole, Douglas, Christopher Marlowe and the Renaissance of Tragedy, Praeger, 1995.
Cole's book examines the major literary traditions of Marlowe's era and how he transformed them into themes fitting his purpose.
Hammill, Graham L , Sexuality and Form: Carvaggio, Marlowe, and Bacon, University of Chicago Press. 2000.
This author uses Caravaggio's paintings, Marlowe's plays, and Bacon's scientific treatises to explore the interdisciplinary connections between sexuality and violence.
MacLure, Millar, ed., Christopher Marlowe. Routledge, 1995.
This text provides a compilation of critical essays, presenting contemporary responses to the author's work.
Marlowe, Christopher, The Complete Plays, edited by J. B. Steane, Penguin, 1972.
This work is a collection of all of Marlowe's play, fully restored by recent scholarship.
Shapiro, James C, Rival Playwrights...
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