This section contains 1,200 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Dean Caudwell tells Marcus that Olivia Hutton was brought to a psychiatric hospital; she suffered a nervous breakdown after discovering that she was pregnant. Caudwell asks if Marcus impregnated Olivia, and Marcus says that he didn’t, since he knows that it’s impossible that he could have done so. However, Caudwell remains suspicious. Caudwell mentions the nurse in the hospital that walked into Marcus’ hospital room just after Olivia brought Marcus to orgasm with her hand; apparently, the nurse reported the incident to Caudwell. Marcus swears at Caudwell before leaving the office. Marcus then returns to his dorm room, where he finds his belongings scattered chaotically about the room. He realizes that many of his clothes have been spattered with semen, and he realizes that Bertram Flusser must have perpetrated the vandalism. When Marcus tells Cottler about the vandalism, Cottler tells Marcus...
(read more from the Pages 188 - 233 Summary)
This section contains 1,200 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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