This section contains 378 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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By way of a vanished bridge we cross this river
as a cloud of lifted snow would ascend a mountain.
She has always been afraid to come here.
It is the river she most
5 remembers, the living
And the dead both crying for help.
A world that allowed neither tears nor lamentation.
The matsu trees brush her hair as she passes
beneath them, as do the shining strands of barbed
10 Where this lake is, there was a lake,
where these black pine grow, there grew black pine.
Where there is no teahouse I see a wooden teahouse
and the corpses of those who slept in it.
On the opposite bank of the Ota, a weeping willow
15 etches its memory of their faces into the water.
Where light touches the face, the character for
heart is written.
She strokes a burnt trunk wrapped in straw:
This section contains 378 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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