This section contains 544 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Merry leads the trio to a boat, they sail across to Buckland, and ride the rest of the way to the house. After a bath and another supper of mushrooms, Frodo begins to inform Merry and Pippin of his plans to journey beyond Buckland. They tell him they have already guessed his plot. They inform Frodo that they will accompany him on his voyage. They also tell him that they have knowledge of the ring and know that it belongs to the Enemy. Merry found out about it when he saw Bilbo use it to become invisible. Frodo learns that Merry assigned Sam to be chief investigator regarding the ring. Frodo is surprised, but excited that his friends will be with him. They decide to leave in the morning by taking a path through the Old Forest...
(read more from the Book 1: Chapter 5: A Conspiracy Unmasked - Chapter 6: The Old Forest Summary)
This section contains 544 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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