This section contains 1,455 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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The section “Aloha Means Hello and Good-bye, Part Two” contains only an email confirmation of the purchase of two air fares to Hawaii.
In “Happy Already,” Olly tells Maddy that she is crazy when she says that she has booked them tickets to Hawaii. She insists to him that she will be okay, that the pills will work. When Maddy tells him she wants to go see the state fish of Hawaii, he relents. As they drive he tells Maddy an old friend of his lives in Maui. He would like to arrange a visit while they are there. Maddy is overwhelmed by the speed of the car and all the things to see while they are driving. Since they have time before their flight leaves, Maddy instructs Olly to take her to an...
(read more from the Aloha Means Hello and Good-bye, Part Two - Madeline’s Dictionary Summary)
This section contains 1,455 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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