This section contains 611 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Summary for pages 69-80 Summary
The narrator and Holly are sitting at Joe Bell's bar on Sunday morning. Holly is drinking, despite Joe Bell's reluctance to give her any alcohol in the morning. Holly doesn't think her marriage to Doc was legal because she was so young, but she feels that she owes him a lot for taking her in and giving her confidence. She tells the narrator about her night. She says Doc thought she would return to Tulip, Texas, with him right up until he got on the bus at the bus station.
Holly advises Joe Bell against loving a wild thing. She tells him that the more you love a wild thing the stronger it gets until it can fly away. Then you end up just staring at the sky. Holly then says that it's better to look at...
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This section contains 611 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) |
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