This section contains 1,220 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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This short story's protagonist, Hazel Morse, is the stereotypical head-turning big blonde of her day. A former model that gravitates towards others like her, Hazel is vain. She dresses well and wears small, tight, high heels. She flirts with men; they like her, and they take her out. She considers herself a good sport and never stops to think that she might spend her time on something more serious. While working in the fashion industry, she meets Herbie Morse, an attractive man who drinks heavily and has an obsessive habit of biting his cuticles.
They marry quickly, and just as quickly, Hazel changes. She gives up the pretense of who she was. While she loves her new life, she is more real than she has ever been. She complains when she has reason to. She cries when she is sad. When...
(read more from the Detailed Summary & Analysis Summary)
This section contains 1,220 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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