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Chapter 1 is titled "What Do You Say?". It begins on November 6, 1939, seven-year-old Anna is unaware of the Nazi activity going on around her. Her father, an academic, is taken into custody, and she is left alone in the care of a family friend, Herr Doktor Fuchsmann. Anna has learned to speak many languages from her father, so much so that she wonders what her own language is. Living in Krakow, she is aware of the soldiers. She is confused when one of the soldiers laughter reminds her of Herr Doktor, whom she regards as nice, yet the soldier is not. Anna is too young to understand the concept of war, but recognizes that her "cookie supply" (9) has been affected, causing her to not approve of the war.
Anna spends her first night under the counter at Herr Doktor's shop because he refused to...
(read more from the Chapters 1 - 2 Summary)
This section contains 2,110 words (approx. 6 pages at 400 words per page) |
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