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Chapter 15, Cailleach Bheur Summary and Analysis
Accounts of Cailleach Bheur are primarily found in Ireland, although they are closely associated with the figure Mala Liath (Grey Mare) in Scotland. Cailleach is translated as hag, crone, or wise old woman. She is referred to as the Daughter of the Moon.
Cailleach Bheur throws thunderbolts and runs with wild animals. She tends to the herds of deer and flies in the form of an eagle or black cormorant. Cailleach Bheur carries a wand that brings frost and snow. Many try to steal her powers, but none have succeeded.
There is a tale of three brothers who meet Cailleach Bheur disguised as an old beggar woman. She asks for food and a moment of rest by their fire. The two oldest boys ignore and refuse her, respectively. The youngest brother offers her the rest of his...
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