This section contains 377 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Fables 281-285 Summary
(281) "The Ass Pretending to Be Lame, and the Wolf" An ass sees a wolf and tells the wolf that he has a thorn in his hoof and that the wolf should remove it before eating him. The wolf lifts the ass's hoof to remove the thorn, and the ass kicks him hard enough to knock out all of his teeth. The wolf realizes that his nature is to be a butcher not a doctor. (282) "The Bird-catcher and the Wild and Domesticated Pigeons" A bird-catcher attaches his domesticated pigeons to a net. Some wild pigeons come and get caught in the net. The wild pigeons reproach the domestic ones for helping catch them. The domestic birds say they are more worried about their master than they are about other pigeons. (283) "The Bird-catcher and the Crested Lark" A bird-catcher sets a snare. A...
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This section contains 377 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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