This section contains 170 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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Chose at least two of the examples of genocide discussed in this book and compare and contrast the response of the United States to them.
How has the United States typically reacted to genocide in other countries? Why?
What role(s) did Lemkin and his successors play in fighting against genocide during the twentieth century?
What is state sovereignty? How does this idea affect responses to genocide?
Why did it take the United States so long to ratify the genocide convention? What consequences might this delay have had?
Why haven't the United States or the UN responded with military action in more genocides? How do national and political interests affect their decisions?
Discuss the use of the term "genocide." How did it develop? Why has the United States been so reluctant to use the term?
Do the United States, the UN, and other countries...
This section contains 170 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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