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"Jane (Hyatt) Yolen." In Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Volume 29.
Edited by Hal May and James G. Lesniak.
Detroit: Gale Research, 1990, pp. 463-69.
A summary of Yolen's publications, with a brief interview of Yolen.
Telgen, Diane. "Jane Yolen." In Something about the Author. Volume 75. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994, pp. 223-29. A list of Yolen's publications, with a short biography.
Yolen, Jane. "America's Cinderella." Children's Literature in Education 8 (1977): 219. Yolen discusses the history of the Cinderella fairy tale, explaining that she prefers the strong character of the original tale to the weakened versions in modern retellings.
——. "Jane Yolen: The Bardic Munchies."
Locus 26 (January 1991): 4, 78. Yolen discusses why she thinks writing for children is challenging, as well as what she regards as important elements in her fiction.
——. "Jane Yolen." In Jim Roginski's Behind the Covers: Interviews with Authors and Illustrators of Books for Children and...
This section contains 278 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |
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