Rabbit-proof Fence

How were the girls doing when they grew up in Rabbit-proof Fence?


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Molly was trained as a domestic helper and married a man named Toby Kelly, a stockman. She had two children. In 1940, she was discharged from the hospital after surgery for appendicitis. In compliance with a warrant that was still active, she was transported back to Moore River Native Settlement. After nine months at the settlement, she took one of her children, Annabelle, with her and left the other daughter, Doris, behind at the settlement. Miraculously, she took her baby daughter along the same route and returned home again. Three years later, Annabelle was removed to a settlement in the south and Molly and Toby never saw her again.

Gracie was transported back to Moore River Settlement where she finished her education. She then was trained to be a domestic and worked at various farms. She married a station hand named Harry Cross with whom she had six children. The couple eventually separated and Gracie passed away in 1983. She never returned to Jigalong.

Daisy moved with her family along the rabbit-proof fence south of Jigalong. She also trained as a domestic and worked at various stations. She married Kadibil, a station hand. They had four children. Her husband died and she lived with some of her children. Daisy contributed a great deal of the details for the book.

