Dream interpretation

A lion in the dream

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Seeing a lion in a dream alone is not sufficient, you ought to have told us what the lion you saw was doing when you saw it.Sleeping, feeding or roaring or walking.But lion simply symbolizes authority of highest order.so this means that you have a business with the authorities in your locality that is pending and that you should finish properly.

Jung, like Freud sees the unconscious a the mind's way of dealing with the realities of conscious living. However, he differs from his mentor in that he does NOT believe that the subconscious mind is only instinctual or sexually based. Instead, Jung believes that dreams are the mind's way of attempting to communicate a solution to a problem the conscious mind is facing. Therefore, in regard to the 'lion' that you are referring to, it would depend, per the book, upon what a 'lion' represented to YOU specifically and what the lion was attempting to do and more importantly how you FELT during the dream in regard to the lion.