English & Literature

Who is The Apache from The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons and what is their importance? The_Exploration_of_the_Colorado_River_and_Its_Canyons English & Literature The Apache | The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons

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The Apaches are a Native American tribe that inhabited the desert valley of the Colorado River. Their lands reached all the way to the source of the Gila River, which once was the republic of Mexico. The Apaches were wanderers, traveling all the way to California, Oregon and Washington. Before the introduction of horses during the Spanish invasion, the Apaches walked. The Apache were known as conquerors, and their tribes were made up of hunters, priests, and warriors. Today, there are many ruins and artifacts remaining from their religious ceremonies. There is also evidence of many caves in the area, in which, the Apache often lived.


The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons