English & Literature

Who is Lawrence Nafe from Deep Fathom and what is their importance? Deep_Fathom English & Literature Lawrence Nafe | Deep Fathom

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Lawrence Nafe is the Vice President who assumes control when Air Force One goes down after a combination of solar eclipse and earth quake. Nafe is a former Yale student and an idealist who is well known for his open opposition to the President's coddling demeanor with the Chinese, preferring a hard line stance. He is also an opportunist, and when the President is killed, he sees it as an opportunity to bring about the kind of future he has always envisioned, which is one without communists. Using the accident as his starting point, Nafe begins by creating the illusion that the President's plane was brought down deliberately by the Chinese. This gives him the right to retaliate with the full force of the government behind him. The Chinese get wind of his accusations even before he makes them, and knowing where they will lead, China takes Okinawa back from Taiwan. Taiwan gives in easily, but Nafe is incensed. In his mind, it merely supports his beliefs that the Chinese can not be trusted. Using the CIA, he manipulates every opportunity he can, and manages to gain approval for a limited but decisive strike against the blockade at Okinawa. Sending in his own troops, still reeling from the earthquake and only able to respond in a limited manner, they are outgunned by the Chinese, and begin to lose warships.