English & Literature

Who is Faith Miller from Seventh Son and what is their importance? Seventh_Son_(novel) English & Literature Faith Miller | Seventh Son

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Faith Miller is pregnant with Alvin Jr. in the first few chapters of the book. She and her family are traveling across country to get a fresh start. Knowing how close she is to having a baby, Faith shows her stubborn side when she refuses to leave the wagon during a precarious situation. Her stubbornness and pregnant state result in the death of her oldest child, who dies while attempting to save her and her unborn child's life.

Even after the death of her oldest son, she bravely faces life with a positive attitude. Faith refuses to blame her new son for the death of her oldest child, despite the fact that she may have been able to leave the wagon if she hadn't been pregnant. Her ability to know that everything happens for a reason and not place blame makes her an excellent wife and mother.