English & Literature

Summary and analysis of Anthills of the Savannah, Chapter 5.

ikem, elwa, Beatrice, Chris, Dick and medico are laughing

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In Chapter Five, Ikem, Elewa, Beatrice, Chris, Dick and Mad Medico are hanging out drinking and talking about their old times in college. They even talk about Sam’s personality and demeanor, prior to his becoming president of the country.

The characters start to reveal how each of them came into their current position. This provides insight as to who each of the characters was in earlier days, how their lives intertwine and how each of them has changed and evolved since then, such as Sam turning into the President of Africa. A conversation between Chris and his girlfriend, Beatrice, reveals Sam is Chris’s boss and Chris is Ikem’s boss, which is ironic since when they were boys and went to school together, they were all on the same level.


Anthills of the Savannah