English & Literature

On pages 140-155 of “They Called Us Enemy" by George Takei summarize the story in this chunk. What happened? Describe the setting and place/time

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n 1944, President Roosevelt signed Public Law 78-405 into law, which allowed Japanese Americans to renounce their American citizenship, and be expatriated to Japan if they so wished. As the Takeis contemplated the possibility of taking this step, word came that the internment camps would be closing because Executive Order 9066 had been revoked. However, there were rumors that the detainees would not be safe on the outside because of the public's rampant xenophobia. Those willing to renounce their citizenship would be kept within the confines of the camp. Consequently, Fumiko did so, to keep her family safe and together.

In August, 1945, word about the atomic bombs hitting Hiroshima and Nagasaki reached Camp Tule Lake. Fumiko was horrified because her mother and father still lived in Japan.

