English & Literature

Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

Refer to the excerpt from "Democracy in America." Then, choose the best answer. Use a dictionary resource for any words you do not understand. When figuring out the meaning of a word, use the context (it's surrounding text) to help determine the correct dictionary meaning. Which is the best supporting evidence to the idea in sentence 7?
A. The authors opinion that an American thinks he will never die and can take his goods with him.

B. The fact that Americans like to take vacations or get involved in politics when they have leisure time.

C. The conclusion that Americans cannot find saris in their work or attainments.
D. The example about a person selling his new house or allowing others to harvest the crops he planted so he can go pursue new dreams

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Last updated by kinzy
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Sory, I don't have the excerpt you are referring to.